IWViewTheAvoidance's Profile

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Joined on: Aug 7, 2024

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5 Games

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I wanna grand of the perfect bear N/A N/A
I wanna go to El Sonidito N/A N/A
I wanna verre N/A N/A
I wanna Prima N/A N/A

5 Reviews

For: I wanna grand of the perfect bear
Perfect Bear is quite a revolutionary avoidance that influenced a lot of new Miku avoidances. It's also one of my personal favorites to watch.

The avoidance is not focused on effects and uses them sparingly. However, it still flows wonderfully the vibe of the avoidance. Unlike some avoidances, the trails used are never distracting and adds to the song. Speaking of the song, every attacks also reflects the song in some way whether it'd be lyrics or intensity. Still, the parts based on instrumentals or intensity matches that of the previous segment. The patterns are also usually more open and doesn't look forced which makes the player looks like they're going along with the song instead of just moving away from bullets. Overall, this is simply fucking amazing.

Visuals: 9/10
Flow: 10/10
Effects: 9/10
Aesthetic: 10/10

Verdict: 10/10

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 22, 2024
For: I wanna go to El Sonidito
*Rating based on extra*

Interesting Taisa avoidance that heavily contrasts the "main" meme boss.

While some attacks were satisfying and quite unique. There are usually some problems that make them way less satisfying to watch. Problems such as oversaturated bullets (yellow and green stars) or out of place decorations (spirals) really mess up the viewing experience. The rainbow filter at the ending of the avoidance is also super random and looks distracting. Having rainbow strobe light effects would fit much more and would also flow well with the previous avoidance. The fact that good visuals were present such as the white-rainbow kunais before the final bursts really drags down the other parts of the fight.

Visuals: 5/10
Flow: 4/10
Effects: 4/10
Aesthetic: 6/10

Verdict: 5/10

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 22, 2024
For: I wanna verre
Melanzana sure was rough, but thankfully Eruna learned from it.

Verre is the latest avoidance by Eruna and it aimed to fix most of the problems present in Melanzana. After watching many videos, the random visuals and sprites being the only RNG in this game is a very nice touch, and every attacks feel unique compared to melanzana. The ghosts interacting with the players and the screen rotating and warping makes this avoidance very immersive. Although the choruses don't align, they still flow nicely. This is mainly because of how insanely smooth each transitions are. Unfortunately, the effects aren't the best. The only problem I have while watching this avoidance was the effect in pattern part 7 and 8 where the sudden rainbow effect came out of nowhere and made it very hard to see the player. Other than that, I believe the visuals in this avoidance is simply perfect. Lastly, there's not much to say about the aesthetic other than everything being a perfect match with the song and the name "Verre"

Visuals: 10/10
Flow: 10/10
Effects: 9/10
Aesthetic: 10/10

Verdict: 10/10

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 20, 2024
For: CN
A fast-paced avoidance by Ouka! This avoidance fixes a few of the problems with objects disappearing randomly, but the problem still remains even with a noticeable quality drop near the end.

The best way to describe the visuals would be modernized old avoidance, but that's not entirely good as it also rakes in the flaws of older avoidances as well. One of which being the aforementioned random appearance and disappearance of objects.
Transitions are also usually done with flashes which really strains the eye and feels repetitive, this case is especially bad in the ending where it looks extremely rushed. On a more positive note, the choruses being similar despite the second one being completely different is very impressive. Most of the attacks also fits with the song too.

Visuals: 7/10
Flow: 4/10 (quality drop)
Effects: 8/10
Aesthetic: 8/10

Verdict: 7/10

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 20, 2024
For: I wanna Prima
Prima is an avoidance unlike any other. It fully embraces the puzzle aspect of Kardia and pretty much turns into a puzzle game besides the fact that you're given the solutions once reaching them.

One incredible thing about NN is how they are able to remix verses and choruses to be consistent yet different. Adding to the aesthetic of this avoidance, and while yzy's part may seem out of place at first, it perfectly goes along with the tonal shift of the song which allows the avoidance to retain its flow. The entire flow and aesthetic goes together flawlessly with the song creating a magical viewing experience

Visuals: 10/10
Flow: 10/10
Effects: 10/10
Aesthetic: 10/10

Verdict: 10/10

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 20, 2024
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