Clearscreenreviewer's Profile

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Joined on: Mar 18, 2022


I will not try to hide the fact that I am inspired by Titlescreenreviewer.

Please do not view this account as a rip-off or parody of that account, but instead view it as an homage, as I believe clear screens are just as important part of fangames as title screens, and wish to spread my message across this site.

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2 Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I wanna be the RZ N/A N/A
Crimson Needle 3 N/A N/A

2 Reviews

For: Crimson Needle 3
Please note: This review is for true end clear. In case you are wondering, however, my score for bad end clear is 6.0.

A clear screen, or any ending to a good game should be something powerful, which both is representative of the game which came before it, while making the player feel like they have achieved something. Full credit sequences are something that are unfortunately very rare in fangames, which is very sad to me, as not only do I feel it is the perfect ending to a long journey such as this game, it makes it feel even more like a high-budget game, adding to the immersion.

At the end of the credit sequence, you are shown what I consider to be the clear screen, a minimalist blank screen —or rather blank aside from the smoke effects left from the credit sequence— and the text "Thank you for playing. You did great" While this text in most other fangames would be overlooked by most players as yet another disingenuous clear message (think L games that have "WOW. You are the god." on the clear screen), the sheer difficulty of this game means that for most players, even such a simple message is heartwarming and encouraging. To make it this far, into a game this hard, you did go great.

What irks me, then, and stops this clear screen from being a perfect 10? Unfortunately, I can't even say 100% that it is a clear screen at all. Obviously, that is the intent behind it, but the fact is it's not the end. If you wait for the background effects to dissipate you will be dumped back at the bottom of the tower, almost implying that it doesn't even matter that you climbed it.

I understand what the creators were going here for, going back to the foot of the tower, now with access to items not available in a first playthrough, signifies the kid's mastery of the tower. It's no longer a challenge for him to reach the top, so there's no longer a need to celebrate! However, I feel this could have been better executed. I would suggest leaving the game with the positive message (Thank you for playing. You did great), and simply adding some smaller text that appears after the smoke disappears, saying something along the lines of "Press F2 to go back to menu and view what you've unlocked".

I'm conflicted about this "clear screen" because I am set in the belief that a clear screen should be final, it should be the absolute end of a game, and since there isn't another clear screen left if you go back and search for secrets, I just have to accept that this game does not end with a clear screen.


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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Mar 18, 2022
For: I wanna be the RZ
Unfortunately, this clear screen does not in any way do the game justice. What we are shown is a picture of some anime character with poorly justified text over it that says "thank you for your playing". While I cannot judge Rukito for the broken English here (it's not his first language after all), the phrase detracts from the already mediocre clear screen.

While the clear screen is not to my taste, I must give credit for going beyond the standard empty-room-with-the-word-clear which you might see in lower quality needle games.


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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Mar 18, 2022
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