sunderkeenin's Profile

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Joined on: Apr 25, 2016


I like video games. I watch too much twitch. I tend to have no idea where my own trains of thought are going.

I've submitted:
9 Ratings!
9 Reviews!
4 Screenshots!

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9 Reviews

sunderkeenin [Creator]
For: I wanna Love Shurikens
In case the mediafire goes down, folder with the games I made on gdrive:

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 19, 2020
sunderkeenin [Creator]
For: I wanna make some short needle
In case the mediafire goes down, folder with the games I made on gdrive:

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 19, 2020
sunderkeenin [Creator]
For: I wanna Chill
In case the mediafire goes down, folder with the games I made on gdrive:

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 19, 2020
For: I wanna Vomit At A Piano

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Tagged as: Meme
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 36 36
Jan 15, 2017
sunderkeenin [Creator]
For: I wanna be Haphazard 3
This game is a badge of shame, and I won't delete it for that reason. It's an example of what I should never go back and make again.

Haphazard 3 was a mistake.

In case the mediafire goes down, folder with the games I made on gdrive:

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[3] Likes
Rating: 0.0 0       Difficulty: N/A
Oct 16, 2016

7 Games

GameDifficultyAverage Rating# of Ratings
I wanna be Haphazard 55.7 4.7 4
I wanna be Haphazard 2 65.5 5.2 3
I wanna be Haphazard 3 90.0 2.2 2
I wanna Chill 59.5 5.3 17
I wanna Love Shurikens 68.0 4.5 3
I wanna make some short needle 60.7 7.5 13
I wanna be the Vine Tutorial 15.3 5.6 11
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