42 Reviews:
This game is insanely long and difficult adventure game. This game is really fun and I highly recommend it.
The bosses are alot harder than the platforming but it shouldn't be underestimated, especially the final boss and the touhou boss.
This game has alot of traps aswell, they're not simple spike traps and I find them really funny. ENJOY YOUR LIFETIME \o/
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The bosses are alot harder than the platforming but it shouldn't be underestimated, especially the final boss and the touhou boss.
This game has alot of traps aswell, they're not simple spike traps and I find them really funny. ENJOY YOUR LIFETIME \o/
Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: 77 77
May 5, 2015
Weird game with a lot of fun traps. It's very troll-y, well-made, and fairly long. I love it but it's definitely not for everyone. Pretty hard, I have no idea how I fluked through the end boss (I am terrible at bosses though).
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Rating: 7.5 75
Difficulty: 72 72
Feb 19, 2015