I wanna be the Sample

Creator: みくます

Average Rating
4.7 / 10
Average Difficulty
40.7 / 100
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Adventure (2) Avoidance (3) Trap (2) Boss (2) Trigger (1)


  • by Smajsnamz
  • by NightShark115
  • by Smajsnamz
  • by Smajsnamz

4 Reviews:

An adventure game with regular stages. The bosses are fun (except the cherry).
I don't understand why this game in DF has a difficulty of 35, at most it should be 45 or a little more.

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Tagged as: Adventure Avoidance Trap Boss
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 47 47
Dec 21, 2022
Sample contains 5 different stages with 2 avoidances and 3 bosses.

Game started relatively easy with standard platforming and traps / triggers. Difficulty seems to go all over the place from stage 2 onwards with easy and harder saves usually combined, with some parts having precise needle variety. Be careful of collisions, some blocks can hide spikes, which will kill by just walking on specific spots of these blocks. A few of them are never visible on screen while others are hidden after blocks move on them.

Only the last stage introduces an interesting, and only "gimmick" to the game with ennemies from the Kirby series added to the platforming. All of them have easily predictable behaviours aside from one which might be a big difficulty spike in itself for the last 4 screens, which is the UFO enemy, mechanics "explained" from my understanding in the spoiler tag.

To sum up, this enemy appears at a set distance from the Kid upon restart and entrance to these screens. It appears at a random angle, moves somewhat towards the player but also not at a speed that increases or decreases depending on the distance from the player and that is also random. It also shoots a laser after a random number of movements, aside from the first one which happens after its third move, kind of consistently ? It is also horizontal and that's a good thing to know because there are a few corridors in those screens.

Traps are still there as well as the collision issues by the way. Don't forget to save close to the warp at the end.

Avoidance 1 is fairly difficult while the 2nd seems much easier in comparison, aside from one pattern that instantly kills if you are in a bad position. Both still give their fair bit of challenge.

Bosses are interesting with each having a unique way to deal with, and seem easier than their respective platforming stage, aside from the first one. Boss 2 and final boss both have 2 phases with slightly different patterns from their respective phase 1.
All have iframes and a fair amount of HP for the challenge. Although boss 2 can be tiring as it requires infinite jumping, and be ready for it, through the whole 20 HP fight, has a small hitbox and moves a lot. Some projectile from the final boss have much bigger hitboxes than they show and can be glitchy at times. One attack has an unexpected wide hitbox.

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Tagged as: Adventure Avoidance Trap Boss Trigger
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 45 45
Sep 29, 2020
When I started this game I expected someone who just uploaded the engines sample maps, while this game does indeed use them about half the game isn't. Nothing particularly amazing about this game and a few parts are way harder then they should have been. Probably a game most weren't expected to play.

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Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: 30 30
Feb 2, 2017
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jun 30, 2020