4 Reviews:
The seventh entry in the simple 10 series which is a series of 10 screens around a single gimmick with a super basic implementation.
No music, one static tileset (which does look alright).
The gimmick is no saves, if that counts as a gimmick. The needle is pretty fair for the concept but its just not all that interesting.
No music, one static tileset (which does look alright).
The gimmick is no saves, if that counts as a gimmick. The needle is pretty fair for the concept but its just not all that interesting.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 3.7 37
Difficulty: 49 49
Dec 16, 2019
Will be the easiest of the series for some, and the hardest for others (Me). This is a sequence of 9 screens without any saves. There are a few hard jumps scattered through the stage, but the worst part is that chokes are very easy to happen, since there are many chokeable jumps through the game. You must stay focused all the way through (And have a bit of skill, there are a few advanced jumps through the game).
Unless you are interested in these games with no saves, I wouldn't recommend this one (And even if you are, there are better games to play. Although this one isn't bad at all for the genre).
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Unless you are interested in these games with no saves, I wouldn't recommend this one (And even if you are, there are better games to play. Although this one isn't bad at all for the genre).
Rating: 4.5 45
Difficulty: 57 57
Mar 30, 2015