8 Reviews:
The eighth entry in the simple 10 series which is a series of 10 screens around a single gimmick with a super basic implementation.
No music, one static tileset (which does look alright).
This is probably the best one so far. Featuring a puzzle gimmick with push blocks, it actually manages to incorporate a good amount of variety in the actions and interactions you encounter. I'd actually recommend this one. Its probably also the easiest.
No music, one static tileset (which does look alright).
This is probably the best one so far. Featuring a puzzle gimmick with push blocks, it actually manages to incorporate a good amount of variety in the actions and interactions you encounter. I'd actually recommend this one. Its probably also the easiest.
Tagged as: Puzzle
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Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 30 30
Dec 16, 2019
A sequence of puzzles with crates. It's quite well-designed, although the graphics and lack of music are the same as the other games of the series. It's fun, unlike most of the series, and the puzzles aren't exactly easy. If you're looking for a puzzle game, you might want to give this one a try.
Tagged as: Puzzle
[0] Likes
Rating: 5.4 54
Difficulty: 35 35
Mar 30, 2015