I wanna be the Snow Drive

Creator: はる

Average Rating
7.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
58.1 / 100
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Avoidance (8)


  • by Dribix
  • by Dribix
  • by Dribix
  • by Dribix

20 Reviews:

I have mixed thoughts on this boss, the visuals are charming but simplistic, although at times I think the falling snow adds visual clutter because it kinda looks like bullets. I'm equally mixed on the gameplay, there's definitely some pretty decent attacks but I don't think they complement each other, lots of pattern attacks which really could have been RNG to be way more engaging but are instead slow boring patterns, into a second half which is a lot harder than the first but has by far the best attacks in the fight. These two halves make for a fight which is fun when you get far but boring when you die, there's a lot to like about it but in my opinion, the game as a whole doesn't feel that good to play.

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 56 56
May 17, 2024
A few years ago, when I was pretty new to fangames, this game was included as part of the FSR Holiday Hero event. I was quite bad at avoidances, so clearing this took me 16 hours. 16 miserable hours. To this day, this game remains one of my worst fangame experiences, and one of the least enjoyable avoidances I've played.

The game starts incredibly slow, with a few seconds of nothing before a long, completely free, intro. After this, it goes into some annoying "fake rng" attacks, that become just awkward patterns to learn. The game continues with an easy first half, before eventually getting into a much harder second half, with difficult rng and patterns that are slow to learn this late into a fight. Mixed in are a few instagibs! Awesome!

Overall, perhaps my hatred was exaggerated by my being a bad player. However, I still think it's not a very good avoidance, and I would not recommend this one.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: 60 60
May 8, 2024
I love it

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Rating: 7.6 76       Difficulty: 64 64
Feb 22, 2021
Obnoxious and unfun game that is basically a textbook example of almost every single common gameplay flaw an avoidance can have: a long unskippable and boring intro, patterns that are decent at best and VERY annoying at worst, instagibs(including one at the very end), the hardest attacks are at the very end, an obnoxious bouncing attack where the bouncing shots blend with the non-killer fruit and the foreground. The visuals are good but that doesn't really matter considering the awful gameplay.

Would not recommend in general, but especially for a blind playthrough where its issues are the most apparent.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: 55 55
Dec 10, 2020
Fun and chill song

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 60 60
Dec 6, 2020