I wanna be the Story 2

Creator: アタッケ

Average Rating
5.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
50.0 / 100
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Adventure (1)


  • by Smajsnamz
  • by Smajsnamz
  • by Smajsnamz
  • by Anonymous
  • by Smajsnamz
  • by Smajsnamz
  • by Smajsnamz

2 Reviews:

This review is based on extra. This game is well put together and I'm bias towards the fact I didn't like a single gimmick. With that stated there are 4 main stages ice, sky, maze, and black and white. Black and white is a visually obstructive platforming section that was pretty standard excluding one of the last saves involving cherry dodges and platforming. Sky is a horrible grind fest learning patterns of bouncing shooting cherrys. Maze is actually good if you are looking for this kinda thing but one area requires you answer question correctly based on japanese questions. Ice is ice and trolls. After all the stages there are bosses which have super version you can do to access extra later. The extra stage is a single troll screen into a cluster mash of all the other gimmicks used for about 3 screens and is pretty hard. The last boss fittingly is all the other bosses mashed into one last fight each with their own health bar. I don't recommend this game, it's well put together for what it has. I just wasn't personally of fan of what it did have.

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Tagged as: Adventure
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 50 50
Jan 31, 2017
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