10 Reviews:
Tough sudoku game, but surprisingly enjoyable nonetheless. Not that many traps, lots of invisible walls or fake blocks, and the traps that are there are actually fun to dodge. Needle gets really hard near the end though.
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Rating: 3.0 30
Difficulty: 55 55
Nov 2, 2019
That one avoidance screen and plenty of the needle traps were actually good
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Rating: 4.4 44
Difficulty: 53 53
Nov 2, 2019
Standard-ish fangame. You get through plenty of stages, and eventually you beat it. There's a Miku along the way, and you're supposed to kill her. She has plenty of HP, but she just throws sniping cherries at you, over and over. There are lots of basic needle jumps and simplistic traps. Save placement is quite sloppy, and so is the level design. Everything in this game is uninteresting, at the very least. I enjoyed it, but it's just...Meh. Wouldn't recommend.
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Rating: 2.0 20
Difficulty: 58 58
Jul 25, 2015