Full Fangame List

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GameDifficulty   Rating   # of Ratings
I wanna be the 118 69.5 8.4 3
I Wanna 20 Black Room 50.8 2.5 4
I wanna be the 2000 person commemoration 67.0 3.0 5
I wanna be the 32 68.7 6.2 8
A. C. E. 89.0 8.8 10
Avoidance, but I don't copy paste from other fangames 32.5 5.5 11
Baka Miku Game 40.5 5.1 19
I wanna be Charon 52.3 8.4 7
I wanna be Colorful 51.7 6.1 4
I wanna be the Biotope 69.8 7.9 28
I wanna be the Bucho 46.5 4.8 7
I wanna Butterfly Grafitti 60.5 8.0 18
I wanna caress your heart 72.9 7.9 9
I wanna celebrate the Halloween v1.0 34.7 3.7 5
I wanna Charge Ahead 70.0 7.5 5
I wanna be the CielArc 50.8 6.6 5
I wanna clear the Easy Miku 23.6 4.6 46
I wanna clear the Easy Miku 2 24.6 6.5 78
I wanna be the Climber 40floors 39.2 6.8 6
Collections-1024 65.0 8.5 4
Comfort Needle 55.9 6.6 27
I wanna commit 50 acts of arson 69.0 8.3 8
i wanna complete the short miku 9.4 4.3 16
I wanna Concierge 32.5 3.5 3
I wanna Conversation 30.0 5.1 5
I wanna Dancing Cat Says 66.5 6.3 4
i wanna destroy the SUPER MECHA DEATH HATSUNE 3900 46.9 7.5 11
I wanna be the Device 70.7 4.9 18
I Wanna Drink the Vegetable Juice 40.7 6.0 8
I wanna be the Durability 49.8 5.9 8
I Wanna End the Blood Festival 68.1 5.4 19
I wanna enjoy the Music 72.6 8.1 8
I wanna be the Escapism Now 80.0 6.2 5
I wanna be the Eyebrow 47.0 8.1 7
I wanna fa g49 death 59.0 3.5 2
I wanna be the Failire 53.7 6.0 4
I wanna be the Failure girl beta01 22.0 2.0 4
I wanna find the Guy 43.7 8.0 8
I wanna fleeting future 41.0 8.2 7
I wanna be the Forehead 55.5 6.6 25
I wanna be the Forehead 2 64.1 6.9 21
I wanna fun the Noel 32.6 7.9 6
I wanna get Lively 40.4 6.7 6
I wanna get the Black gun 40.4 3.9 10
I wanna go the DotKid! 78.8 6.1 21
I wanna go the DotKid! Easymode 75.1 6.4 9
I wanna go the Heaven 65.3 3.8 4
I wanna be the Guilty 70.0 2.3 1
I wanna be the Hari remake 26.2 2.5 6
I wanna have feathers 2 47.1 4.9 17
I wanna be the Hidden 68.5 7.0 22
I wanna be the Hidden++ 89.4 9.2 7
I want to be the Skill Player 31.6 7.6 17
I wanna be the Ibis 37.0 7.6 3
I wanna be the Interaction 67.1 7.7 21
Invincible Alien 95.2 5.8 21
Iwanna play the game 67.3 3.7 8
I wanna be the IWC2 15.9 4.5 16
I wanna kill the avoidance 42.0 6.5 2
I wanna kill the cicada and dancing 47.0 5.0 4
I wanna kill the Mauri 72.4 6.1 14
I Wanna Kill The Pinapplegod1 31.8 6.5 12
I wanna know how to warp 63.7 6.3 7
I wanna be the KR01 55.5 7.2 3
I wanna be the LBAH 72.2 7.2 7
I Wanna Leave Negative Heaven 72.6 8.1 6
I wanna be the LemonTrap 72.5 7.3 5
I wanna be the Lie 54.8 6.2 8
I wanna Lie 55.0 7.5 2
I Wanna be the Liquid 46.0 7.3 5
I wanna love the Miku 65.3 8.0 9
I wanna love the MMO 27.9 7.1 12
I wanna be the LoveTrap 91.8 6.4 24
I wanna be the Luene's Community Commemoration easymode 61.0 1.7 1
I wanna meet the Image of music 48.3 3.7 4
I wanna meet the Miku 58.1 7.2 9
I wanna be the Middle 49.1 3.9 9
I wanna be the Mikid 25.7 4.4 18
I wanna Musiclock 74.7 9.4 18
I wanna be the Nasimoto 40.0 4.5 2
I wanna be the Needle and Durability 72.7 4.9 4
I wanna be the Negapoji Continues 56.7 4.8 4
I wanna be the Net-T+ 76.1 7.6 9
I wanna be the Nihsatuht!! 33.9 6.7 12
I wanna be the No Miss! 36.0 5.1 5
I wanna be the normal space 55.9 7.4 19
I wanna be the Palladium 91.5 8.2 7
I wanna be the Partun 40.0 6.6 5
I wanna Pass the Guy Floor 44.3 3.6 6
I wanna be the Permanence 68.9 7.9 24
I wanna play the LunarMagic area remake 65.0 8.5 3
I wanna be the Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis 41.5 6.2 13
I wanna be the Potpitpo easymode 55.0 6.0 2
I wanna practice Durability boss 60.5 5.6 3
I wanna be the Procrastination 86.5 9.5 6
I wanna protect the moon 60.0 2.3 4
I wanna Psychogram 73.0 7.2 5
I wanna pursue the truth of love 80.0 N/A 5
I wanna QFT 58.8 8.9 5
I wanna be the rainbow MIKU 70.0 6.6 17
I wanna be the rainbow shmiku v0.4 60.0 2.5 3
I wanna Referee 45.0 6.0 4
I wanna be the Rubik's Cube 86.3 6.3 15
Saihate 222 44.4 6.5 7
I wanna be the Scarlet white 25.7 4.9 22
I wanna see the Meteor Shower 47.1 8.0 11
I wanna see the World 59.0 6.7 3
I wanna be the Shusei! 31.3 4.7 5
I wanna be the Singularity 70.5 6.4 10
I wanna be the SM 59.0 6.0 3
I wanna be the Spinal fluid 49.7 7.2 26
I wanna be the Star 2 46.7 3.5 4
I wanna be the Succhan 50.3 2.3 10
I wanna be the Sudtrick Doodles 33.8 5.6 21
I wanna be the Summit Remake 49.0 7.0 2
I wanna be the TARO Trap easy mode 36.8 5.0 5
I wanna TFQ 71.0 8.1 3
The Diva Batles 43.5 7.1 5
I wanna be the treasure hunter 76.0 5.3 2
I wanna be the treasure hunter easy 62.0 6.8 2
Unidentified Flying Object 89.5 6.8 6
I wanna use Snow magic 35.2 7.4 54
I wanna be the VCL 82.0 5.1 5
I wanna visit the Christmas Miku 25.0 6.8 6
I wanna be the voice 59.0 6.3 3
I wanna be the VS BOSS 28.3 2.7 4
I wanna be the VS BOSS 2 39.7 3.0 3
I wanna be the VS BOSS 3 38.3 6.0 3
I wanna walker 31.0 6.1 7
I wanna be the White & Black 78.0 6.1 22
I wanna be the whoknows 64.6 8.1 16
I wanna WM 59.0 6.4 6
I wanna Zinnia 40.7 7.2 12
I wanna be the ^tlqkf^ 58.3 4.5 5
I wanna be the おこちゃ 39.0 3.3 5
I wanna be the はひふへほにゃらら 67.7 5.4 7
I wanna be the やーん 33.0 2.3 8
アイワナへたおの為の対決用アイワナ 23.0 4.9 3
I wanna be the アクション 2 49.0 3.3 3
I wanna be the アクション 3 35.0 4.0 2