5 Reviews:
An enjoyable adventure filled with traps and bosses that I found enjoyable. Worth a play through.
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Rating: 7.0 70
Difficulty: 50 50
Jul 10, 2021
Relatively short adventure. Plenty of interesting gimmicks near the beginning of the game, later on it becomes more of a needle/trap game. Most bosses aren't bad, the exception being Gumi, one of the most tedious bosses I've seen in a while. The visuals range from nice-ish to really bad, the song choices are questionable and the difficulty curve is all over the place, but gameplay-wise, it's alright for the most part.
It's decent for the most part. Just be wary that Gumi is really hard to stomach. Would still recommend if you don't have anything else to play.
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It's decent for the most part. Just be wary that Gumi is really hard to stomach. Would still recommend if you don't have anything else to play.
Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: 54 54
Nov 3, 2016
The game is okay, but everytime you need to have luck to win against bosses cause the RNG are really insane. Good game but only good, would recommend if you are lucky. If you aren't, don't try.
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Rating: 4.0 40
Difficulty: 60 60
Sep 20, 2015
A fairly long adventure game that seems to have a lot of story in its ~4 stages. There are a few interesting gimmicks, but things soon devolve into pretty standard platforming/trigger/boss shenanigans. The difficulty spikes in this game are really weird - everything seems free for a while, and then suddenly you have to jump into a sphincter and out through a corner under a tight timer. Some of the trigger "puzzles" are really annoying too. Fun in parts, but overall kinda a slog.
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Rating: 4.0 40
Difficulty: 55 55
Feb 12, 2015