104 Reviews:
Really good 100F fangame, a classic, too.
It's a bit weird on some parts, but the game is overall fun.
It's a good start for anyone to fangames.
I definitely would recommend this fangame, it's very fun!
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It's a bit weird on some parts, but the game is overall fun.
It's a good start for anyone to fangames.
I definitely would recommend this fangame, it's very fun!
Rating: 9.0 90
Difficulty: 40 40
Jan 15, 2016
One of the first major fangames I finished, both challenging and enjoyable. Getting through it took a while, but I had to continue. 100 floors, divided into blocks of ten, with many popular features; vines, difficult jumps (50s), bosses, memes and references, and does it all really well.
[0] Likes
Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: 50 50
May 6, 2015