75 Reviews:
Traps hold up decently today, but the 2nd half seems a bit easier compared to first half, making a huge jump in the last 2 stages, otherwise pretty good.
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Rating: 6.5 65
Difficulty: 44 44
Nov 15, 2023
Fangame Clear #27
Quite a long adventure game with various stages, various gimmicks, various bosses, and overall just a bite-sized package filled with many different types of content that someone would at least find a section or two fun in! I definitely liked a lot of the sections here, the darkness section and the time-based section being a highlight for me, and all of the cherry bosses were quite interesting and utilized the gimmicks at play very well!
I also have a few gripes with this game. The routing at times can be confusing, given that you need to shoot like 2 spikes out of existence which is never really explained or built upon. The final area was simply not fun to play through, it really felt tedious a lot of the time, and the final boss was not only completely different from the rest of the bosses, but also very unmemorable.
Overall, a good fangame that I would most definitely recommend to beginners, and chances are there is something you'll enjoy here.
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Quite a long adventure game with various stages, various gimmicks, various bosses, and overall just a bite-sized package filled with many different types of content that someone would at least find a section or two fun in! I definitely liked a lot of the sections here, the darkness section and the time-based section being a highlight for me, and all of the cherry bosses were quite interesting and utilized the gimmicks at play very well!
I also have a few gripes with this game. The routing at times can be confusing, given that you need to shoot like 2 spikes out of existence which is never really explained or built upon. The final area was simply not fun to play through, it really felt tedious a lot of the time, and the final boss was not only completely different from the rest of the bosses, but also very unmemorable.
Overall, a good fangame that I would most definitely recommend to beginners, and chances are there is something you'll enjoy here.
Rating: 7.8 78
Difficulty: 33 33
Aug 30, 2023
this is an absolutely AWESOME game that took me 5 and three quarters of an hour to beat with a little over 1000 attempts and my god i enjoyed every single one of them. from finding out how im supposed to do the little needle puzzles to figuring out optimal strategies for each single avoidance, i enjoy all of this so much
there were also multiple points throughout my playthrough where i beat a boss and was like "lets gooo gg i beat the game" only to realise theres actually an entire second half to this game, and then theres a final boss after that, and only then an actual gg. the game just keeps on giving
though i gotta say - that 41.2 rating is probably all from the last boss :p
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there were also multiple points throughout my playthrough where i beat a boss and was like "lets gooo gg i beat the game" only to realise theres actually an entire second half to this game, and then theres a final boss after that, and only then an actual gg. the game just keeps on giving
though i gotta say - that 41.2 rating is probably all from the last boss :p
Rating: 10.0 100
Difficulty: N/A
Aug 18, 2023
Ageless classics. Cleared for second time, after a few years (first time was back in November 2020). Still interesting, still providing a good challenge in most areas, still the same unbearable Rumia xD Would recommend to anyone from beginners to experienced players.
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Rating: 9.0 90
Difficulty: 43 43
Apr 26, 2023
I think the game really holds up to the test of time and the platforming is really good. My issue is with having old school troll type traps, usually at the end of platforming right before a save and some RNG that bosses have. Everything else is exciting and fun, I really like it
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Rating: 6.5 65
Difficulty: 60 60
Mar 3, 2023