10 Reviews:
This has got to be one of the most pitiful adventure games I've played. It has a unique idea, (that's also pretty damn weird), but manages to utilize it in some of the worst ways possible. What could have been an interesting game instead became a distasteful slew of bad design.
First of all, having enemies you can attack is cool, this we can all agree on hopefully. However, this also does literally the worst thing you could possibly do with such an idea, it spams the screen with them to the point each screen becomes a nightmare to play, especially with shooters being placed above you beyond reach all the time. Besides this, a lot of the platforming design is also pretty garbage when you combine it with the enemies, the final stage especially feels like you're trekking through unplaytested sewage. The second and final boss also feel like garbage to play as well, which was pretty disappointing as they were the only things I thought could redeem the bad platforming segments.
Overall, I think the whole licking anime girl thing was somewhat funny I guess, but I wish the maker actually had more people play their game before releasing it because it's pretty fucking bad.
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First of all, having enemies you can attack is cool, this we can all agree on hopefully. However, this also does literally the worst thing you could possibly do with such an idea, it spams the screen with them to the point each screen becomes a nightmare to play, especially with shooters being placed above you beyond reach all the time. Besides this, a lot of the platforming design is also pretty garbage when you combine it with the enemies, the final stage especially feels like you're trekking through unplaytested sewage. The second and final boss also feel like garbage to play as well, which was pretty disappointing as they were the only things I thought could redeem the bad platforming segments.
Overall, I think the whole licking anime girl thing was somewhat funny I guess, but I wish the maker actually had more people play their game before releasing it because it's pretty fucking bad.
Rating: 3.0 30
Difficulty: 55 55
Nov 4, 2022
Alright fangame focused on moving obstacles. In this game, instead of the standard gun, your weapon is your huge tongue, and you have to use it in order to defeat your enemies. The game starts nicely, but the screens near the end are way too slow-paced and packed with enemies, requiring way too many precise maneuvers, and they ended up being quite boring. The last boss is also way too RNG-heavy, and equally as boring.
There is some creativity involved in this game, but I don't really think that it's worth playing at all, at least not up to the end. Wouldn't recommend.
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There is some creativity involved in this game, but I don't really think that it's worth playing at all, at least not up to the end. Wouldn't recommend.
Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: 52 52
Mar 8, 2016
Really good and bizarre game. You don't have your gun, instead, you lick things to death. Your tongue has a short range, so you get in dangerous close combat situations. There are three stages, with enemies that have different kinds of attacks, and some spike action. There's a boss at the end of each stage, they're very different one from another.
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Rating: 7.0 70
Difficulty: 45 45
Mar 8, 2015