I wanna BD Needle Trials

Creator: BDBDFlower

Average Rating
5.6 / 10
Average Difficulty
41.9 / 100
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Needle (8) Trap (3) Gimmick (2) One_jump (1) Trigger (3) Trials (1)


  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Wolfiexe
  • by Xplayerlol

30 Reviews:

Fun needle game. Nice music (Doesn't restart), no death sound (Always welcome), and the level design is decent. The use of gimmicks is minimal, making it fair, and the same goes for the traps. The last jump is a invert. However, if you're not good with ledges, I don't recommend this game, since there is a screen where you have to do two ledges in a row. But if you like needle games, and don't mind ledges, I recommend this one.

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Tagged as: Needle Trap Gimmick
[2] Likes
Rating: 7.2 72       Difficulty: 42 42
Mar 23, 2015
A pretty short needle trials game, consisting of the easier set of difficult jumps such as corners, ledges and a boatload of diagonals and 16px. The platforming is kinda boring as there's not really anything else gong on alongside the fairly simple and bland visuals. There's also a crappy issue where going through warps keeps your momentum, so you could do a room and fly straight into a spike above the following start position. There are also a couple of traps thrown in to make you redo already mundane segments.

It might be interesting for a newer player looking to test themselves on the more generic and commonly used difficult jumps, but overall it felt pretty forgettable. After all, it's an "easy" needle trials game from 5.5 years ago so you're gonna get what you expect.

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Tagged as: Needle Trap
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Rating: 3.4 34       Difficulty: 40 40
Dec 26, 2019
I would say, this is the game if you wanna try see the beginning of some hard needles. Good music.

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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 45 45
Mar 30, 2017
Rating not include extra(The extra is a buffed version of the main game, which is incredibly difficult and insane).

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Tagged as: Needle Trigger
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 40 40
Feb 27, 2017
Nothing too special here. A short needle game with good music that is decent for learning some tougher jumps if you're newer to the genre.

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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 42 42
Oct 6, 2016