6 Reviews:
This is one of those games that, going into it, you need to be prepared for the worst of the worst in terms of platforming, creativity, and difficulty-balancing. If—and that's a big if—you can set aside any notion of standards, then you may find a couple of jumps to be marginally enjoyable.
[1] Like
Rating: 2.0 20
Difficulty: 72 72
Apr 29, 2023
I think this is the hardest one among the BTNG series if you don't count 7's extra stage.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 3.9 39
Difficulty: 79 79
May 9, 2019
Pretty bad needle. The visuals are simplistic, but nice, the music is nice, and there's no death sound but that's about it for the positives. Lots of generic and unfun jumps, filler jumps, saves where the hardest jump is placed at their end, floaty difficulty curve and overall disgusting design combined with high difficulty make it a very unpleasant experience. The saves involving water upwards planes are easily the worst part in the game. The last save also features a fake portal, which is lovely.
It's awful. Wouldn't recommend.
It's awful. Wouldn't recommend.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 2.0 20
Difficulty: 78 78
Apr 23, 2017