83 Reviews:
It's alright. Kinda boring at times but I can say I enjoyed this one.
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Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 25 25
Jun 5, 2017
Finally came back to this after starting it a long time ago when I was a beginner. Actually had fun playing it which is very rare for me and avoidances. Would recommend to those who are interested in getting into them.
[0] Likes
Rating: 6.5 65
Difficulty: 25 25
Aug 11, 2016
Had some great fun playing this, was a considerable improvement over 1 with a better song and stronger attacks. Would recommend to beginners but pretty easy if you've done a few avoidances.
[0] Likes
Rating: 8.1 81
Difficulty: 29 29
May 19, 2016