I wanna reach Heaven

Creator: kadykunde

Average Rating
8.2 / 10
Average Difficulty
60.6 / 100
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Needle (14) Gimmick (12) 100_Floor (10) Long (4) x_Floor (1)


  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Bob
  • by Bob
  • by Wolsk
  • by NightShark115
  • by Wolsk
  • by Bob
  • by Wolsk
  • by JarvisGaming

53 Reviews:

for whatever reason i forgot to make a review when i beat this game, it was back on 2018/2019 maybe? im still a non very experienced player, and this game was my first "challenge" it took me +12 hours to finish (without secrets), i think until the white stage the game its a bit boring, but then its get better, gimmicks are pretty common but very fun to play, music is good (a lot of cavestorys music i love that game), and visuals are very relaxing for me. i need to replay it and collect all secrets and see if everything is as good as i remember, this is one of my favorite fangames!!

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Rating: 9.3 93       Difficulty: 62 62
Jan 10, 2019
A really fantastic needle game. The stages have a great variety to them and all of them feel fun and well-balanced. The secrets and extra stage are fun too.

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Rating: 9.3 93       Difficulty: 64 64
Dec 8, 2018
Really neat needle game that I suprisingly hadn't beaten until recently.

It consists of 10 stages, which all include a different gimmick. Well there are also 4 secrets to collect in order to access last stage, and you should go for them

I liked almost everything of it, even if I felt that some saves were more annoying than fun especially in the last stage, but well it's pretty much my unpatient mind talking here I guess.

Fairly long game which definitively has effort put into, I would recommend it.

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 60 60
Oct 26, 2018
Probably one of the best floor games besides NANG. If you like needle with interesting gimmicks, check this one out

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Tagged as: Needle 100_Floor
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 60 60
May 6, 2018
This was a very OK 100f game imo. It relies heavily on gravity flippers and jump refreshers, both which I dislike pretty much always. I wasn't a fan of stages 2 through 4, and with it being such a large portion all in a row, I was somewhat put off for the rest of the game. I did enjoy stages 5 and 6 quite a bit, being mostly normal platforming with light jump refresher usage and water; if the whole game had been like this I'd have enjoyed it a lot more honestly. The gimmicks from here on out are either stuff I dislike (jump-activated moving spikes) or stuff that was somewhat ruined by how they were used (particularly in stage 9, where the spike/block-switching gimmick was really fun but paired up with screenwrap). I personally disliked most of the design, although I do see why people enjoy this. Give it a shot, maybe.

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Rating: 6.2 62       Difficulty: 58 58
Feb 14, 2017