Creator's Comments:
tutakami [Creator]
Re-released 2017/5/3
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Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
May 3, 2017
131 Reviews:
Довольно кансерный нидл, приятных экранов довольно мало, но они есть. С балансом большие беды, некоторые сейвы проходятся с первого раза, некоторые убивают по полчаса (для этой игры это много), но дизбаланс я никогда проблемой не считал, так что это не в укор, а просто к слову. Из плюсов весёлая музыка и низкая сложность (пасснул за 4 часа, но я +- нуб), главное не переоценивать лёгкость этой игры, а то поторопишься "заспидранить" (как я), и в итоге каша получится. Советую ли я эту игру? Ну, 50/50, для новичков вполне подойдёт, если они учитывают , что "лёгкое" в этом коммьюнити - не автопобеда, что насчёт бывалых - вряд ли, ничего особого в этой игре нет, а любители нидла... Ну попробуйте, не скажу, что это было прям плохо. Короче средненький платформер, в принципе для поднятия скилла довольно годный должен быть.
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Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 40 40
Apr 7, 2023
The foundation for better things to come, I won't deny the influence this had over other games. There are plenty of other games that show more creativity towards the needle genre. No gimmicks, no traps: just pure calculation. The idea is nice: like being inside an electronic music box. This didn't always benefit the visual advantage for playing, but it was ok.
My difficulty rating spiked (no pun intended) with the insane last screen which, besides looking simple at first glance, it was frustrating, boring, uneventful and anticlimactic.
My difficulty rating spiked (no pun intended) with the insane last screen which, besides looking simple at first glance, it was frustrating, boring, uneventful and anticlimactic.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: 50 50
Sep 17, 2018
its like they took all the hot garbage parts of uhuhu spike 2 and made a game out of it, repetitive garbage saves, unintuitive jumps, hard jumps followed by alot of choke points....
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Rating: 3.5 35
Difficulty: N/A
Sep 1, 2018
Decent needle game with variety of unusual jumps and level designs. Game has nice music and visuals. Difficulty is pretty random: one save is too easy, but other little bit too hard. The hardest jump in the game for me was f-jump (Or super f? I don't remember...) from up to down, because I couldn't think how to do it, and before was some tough jumps too. There is a lot of tight jumps, but I don't remember any other save, which was harder than that. Reasons why I wouldn't recommend this game is quite a lot, for example, game is at some parts annoying and totally not fun to play, espicially, when you can't do some tight jump or strange timing, and colorless tilesets, can get boring too to play. So it is pretty hard to say would I recommend or no this game, because it is pretty good game to improve needle skills for beginners, but in the same game can get pretty annoying too. So I will say if you are determined to complete this game, and you are ready to endure annoying parts, then I will recommend this game, but if you aren't ready for that, then more likely I wouldn't recommend.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.5 65
Difficulty: 46 46
Jul 2, 2017