Creator's Comments:
155 Reviews:
Very nice and not very hard needle with fantastic soundtrack and nice level design.
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Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 48 48
Feb 9, 2018
My god! Was it terrible? No, it wasn't, but in my opinion it could be a little shorter : last screens looked as if creator ran out of ideas.
Music was pretty good and visuals... were great too, I guess, but still I wouldn't mind some REAL waveforms in there btw.
Music was pretty good and visuals... were great too, I guess, but still I wouldn't mind some REAL waveforms in there btw.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 5.7 57
Difficulty: 58 58
Dec 31, 2017
Sequel to first game, which is a lot better and more enjoyable than first one.
Game has better visuals, more fitting and interesting music and a lot of new unique jumps. Only difference from first one, is that this game like to use not too hard, but easy to fail jumps at the end of the saves (for example sideways gate) and combine unique jumps with more standart ones (like diamonds, diagonals, 16pixels and etc.), and can get pretty hard if you aren't too good at sideways gates or diamonds. Game has more precise jumps and some of them requires small jumps, so if your keyboard can't make stable 2 frame jump it can get little bit harder, but still you can probably complete game if your keyboard can make 3 frames (I don't remember have I used 2 frame jumps, but if I remember correctly, I didn't), but it will require harder strats and for some saves it may annoy you. Difficulty is pretty floating: some saves you can do first try, then on some you will stay for a longer time, and then again you will be to easier saves, and last save is just strange, where you need to get through very precise jump and then everything else can be easily first tried, but others save can be very easy, but very last jump can be painful and harder than everything else. But overall this game is little bit easier than first game and is a lot more enjoyable, so I definitely recommend to play this game and even more I recommend to play this game before playing first uhuhu spike!
Game has better visuals, more fitting and interesting music and a lot of new unique jumps. Only difference from first one, is that this game like to use not too hard, but easy to fail jumps at the end of the saves (for example sideways gate) and combine unique jumps with more standart ones (like diamonds, diagonals, 16pixels and etc.), and can get pretty hard if you aren't too good at sideways gates or diamonds. Game has more precise jumps and some of them requires small jumps, so if your keyboard can't make stable 2 frame jump it can get little bit harder, but still you can probably complete game if your keyboard can make 3 frames (I don't remember have I used 2 frame jumps, but if I remember correctly, I didn't), but it will require harder strats and for some saves it may annoy you. Difficulty is pretty floating: some saves you can do first try, then on some you will stay for a longer time, and then again you will be to easier saves, and last save is just strange, where you need to get through very precise jump and then everything else can be easily first tried, but others save can be very easy, but very last jump can be painful and harder than everything else. But overall this game is little bit easier than first game and is a lot more enjoyable, so I definitely recommend to play this game and even more I recommend to play this game before playing first uhuhu spike!
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 7.4 74
Difficulty: 44 44
Aug 12, 2017