24 Reviews:
A very short, fairly easy sorta-1-screen needle game. Oddly enough, it starts with all the spikes, then some disappear as you clear the room over and over...kinda anticlimactic, really. After clearing the first screen you just end up breezing through the rest. Nice minimal aesthetics though, and the VVVVV music and death sound fit the tileset well.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 37 37
Mar 1, 2015
one screen that gets progressively easier the more you clear it. once you've cleared the first screen there isn't much to do tbh. pretty good first screen tho, with just one annoying jump. lots of saves so don't worry about them. pretty fun needle.
Done in => 94 deaths in 8m22sec
First Screen clear => 80ish deaths in 5ish minutes
The rest => 10ish deaths in 3ish minutes
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Done in => 94 deaths in 8m22sec
First Screen clear => 80ish deaths in 5ish minutes
The rest => 10ish deaths in 3ish minutes
Rating: 5.8 58
Difficulty: 33 33
Aug 27, 2023
gradually easier needle game with one screen only
would recommended
a little bit visual challenge
[0] Likes
would recommended
a little bit visual challenge
Rating: 7.5 75
Difficulty: 40 40
Sep 4, 2020
-1 gimmick needle with upsetting visuals and a tired VVVVVV-soundtrack
[0] Likes
Rating: 2.0 20
Difficulty: 45 45
Oct 13, 2019