Creator's Comments:
10 Reviews:
This game has potential. It was too short.
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Rating: 5.1 51
Difficulty: 39 39
Apr 6, 2024
Far too short. The first boss is clearly the hardest boss in the game and can take a while if you get bad RNG. Stage 2 was a bit too repetitive and there wasn't much to worry about at the second boss. I don't know why stage 3 is a thing, it's far too easy and the dev decided to throw in an easy boss out of nowhere. After that it's over. Wouldn't recommend.
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Rating: 4.5 45
Difficulty: 35 35
Apr 2, 2018
Short and mostly easy platforming. Has three stages, the third one being really short (Thankfully). Visuals for the first two stages are great, and both are mostly well-designed (Some triggers could use a better placement). Stage 3 seems like a joke stage, and it finishes things off with a joke boss as such. The two first bosses are nice, although the second boss' second phase could use some more RNG action, it's quite boring to have pattern for all the attacks.
It could be a good game, but it's just way too short for that. Also, Stage 3. Would still recommend nevertheless.
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It could be a good game, but it's just way too short for that. Also, Stage 3. Would still recommend nevertheless.
Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 34 34
Aug 2, 2015