I wanna be the CCC

Creator: ベリー

Average Rating
3.5 / 10
Average Difficulty
35.0 / 100
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Adventure (1) Trap (1) Boss (1)


  • by CanusAntonius
  • by CanusAntonius
  • by konomiani
  • by CanusAntonius

1 Review:

Classic adventure game featuring three stages and a boss per each. The first stage is by far the best, featuring some funny traps and a somewhat interesting boss, but afterwards the entire game just manages to go completely downhill. The second boss is pretty garbage as it has the big cherry shove you into a side in a very tight space while still shooting at you. Final boss though is even worse, and is purely RNG with the capability of guarantee killing you at times, I did find a slight cheese that makes it easier in which you can get behind him on either side so he can't shoot you at all . I honestly question if anyone actually properly tested it enough, surely they would have realized how awful it was.

Not recommended.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Boss
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Rating: 3.5 35       Difficulty: 35 35
Nov 7, 2021