76 Reviews:
Приятный нидл с хорошо выверенной кривой сложности и опциональными скипами
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Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 25 25
May 13, 2022
This is probably my favorite needle game of all time so far. It has such a charming and put-together aesthetic, the whole thing just drips of love in its design. I especially loved how there was an 'expert mode' style skip hard-baked into every level. Going for them was the most fun I've had in a needle game. The water section was also totally awesome. Great music, great visuals, a perfect game for beginner or intermediate players.
Time: ~27min
Deaths: 832
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Time: ~27min
Deaths: 832
Rating: 9.8 98
Difficulty: 35 35
Nov 27, 2021
The platforming itself is not bad. But how stupid it is to move to the next screen by clicking on the up arrow. My Windows cannot reproduce the font on the plates, so I think this is a very stupid decision.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: 30 30
Jan 23, 2021
Good difficulty curve, tolerable visuals, and some skips that were fun to pull off. I was NOT a fan of the "press S" saves or the "press up" warps, seeing as I'm used to shooting and touching them, respectively. Eh, it was enjoyable...
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Rating: 5.5 55
Difficulty: 35 35
Sep 3, 2020