phgQED's Profile

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Joined on: Nov 11, 2021

I've submitted:
146 Ratings!
143 Reviews!
24 Screenshots!

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146 Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
i wanna fix what's wrong 46.0 10.0
I wanna be the Tethys 58.0 10.0
Jtool N/A 10.0
I Wanna Sertraline 45.0 9.9
Serotonin 59.0 9.9
I Wanna Be The Caretaker 39.0 9.9
I wanna get used to Needle Game 35.0 9.8
This Wanna Be The Day 55.0 9.5
Happy Children's Needle 45.0 9.5
I wanna be the Dessert 34.0 9.5
I wanna Jiongyohai 31.0 9.5
I wanna be the poetic dance 50.0 9.5
I wanna Nukeru Spike 46.0 9.5
Iwanna a Girl Of The Sky 42.0 9.4
Iwanna Vibe 40.0 9.2
I wanna best the needle 36.0 9.0
I wanna eat the Stuffed Animal 24.0 9.0
I wanna birth the azumol 40.0 9.0
Solnyshko 32.0 9.0
I wanna be the Strongest Fairy 12.0 9.0
I wanna be the Onelife 22.0 9.0
I wanna go the JUN-G World 33.0 8.9
I wanna catch you 58.0 8.9
Poor Mind 33.0 8.9
I Wanna travel the needle world 2 30.0 8.8
I wanna be the Flower frozen 29.0 8.7
I wanna Remember my lovely Cat 22.0 8.6
I wanna Limitless 24.0 8.5
MIDI to Wanna Maker N/A 8.5
I wanna enjoy the Galvanized Peppermint Dandy 46.0 8.5
I Wanna be the Butterfly Effect 45.0 8.5
I wanna be the Four seasons 41.0 8.5
I Wanna Temporal Spire 42.0 8.4
I wanna be the Kaenbyou 20.0 8.2
I Wanna Usurp the Celestial Jump 55.0 8.2
I wanna eat the lemon 30.0 8.2
I wanna climb the Witch's Tower 62.0 8.1
I wanna rely the Needle 4 36.0 8.0
I wanna Struggle Momentarily 25.0 8.0
I wanna pass the 32px game 53.0 7.9
I wanna be the lovely ⑨ 44.0 7.9
I Wanna Steel Edge 49.0 7.9
I wanna Cigarette 37.0 7.9
I wanna fleeting future 46.0 7.8
I wanna ↔ 55.0 7.8
I Wanna 1116 47.0 7.8
I wanna まだダメよ 42.0 7.8
I wanna be the Emerald 34.0 7.8
I wanna be the 3200min 62.0 7.8
I wanna deride Kotaro- from aslant 26.0 7.7
Strawberry needle 43.0 7.7
I Wanna Tell The World v1.1 (REMAKE. ver) 15.0 7.6
I wanna shoot the beam! 25.0 7.6
I wanna be the Nyx 45.0 7.6
I wanna Aurum 50.0 7.5
2009 Needle Hole 45.0 7.5
Iwanna Glacial 32.0 7.5
i wanna lypophrenia 65.0 7.5
I wanna be the Lucien Needle 29.0 7.5
Iwanna Komorebi 24.0 7.3
Tiny Fantazm 39.0 7.2
I Wanna be the Dononite 45.0 7.0
I wanna be the うまい人 50.0 7.0
Iwanna W 50.0 7.0
I wanna be the Ingenuity 65.0 7.0
I wanna be the Tegliem 34.0 6.9
I Wanna 8-) 38.0 6.9
YL-Needle 19.0 6.9
I wanna be the Phosphorus 58.0 6.9
I wanna create a Sonic Rainboom 28.0 6.8
I wanna be the Ender 25.0 6.8
I Wanna Kind Needle 33.0 6.8
Kotton Kande 31.0 6.7
I wanna elk 60.0 6.7
Discord 34.0 6.7
I wanna make the RW 31.0 6.6
I wanna be the Rainbow needle 34.0 6.6
I wanna not to miss you 28.0 6.6
I wanna Athletic needles 55.0 6.5
I Wanna Take the L 35.0 6.5
I wanna enjoy the Electrified Butterscotch Dandy 42.0 6.5
I wanna be the Gus Needle 21.0 6.5
I wanna Ourboros 29.0 6.5
I wanna be Sure in You 28.0 6.4
I Wanna LoveSpike 33.0 6.4
I Wanna be the Zeus 65.0 6.3
I wanna be the flower considered explicitly 20.0 6.2
I wanna N 40.0 6.2
luna pixie 50.0 6.0
I wanna be the Gabriel 31.0 5.9
Empty Needle 26.0 5.9
I wanna Stay Alive 15.0 5.8
I wanna best the needle 3 29.0 5.8
I wanna be the silvan 20.0 5.7
renex needle 39.0 5.6
Wake up 37.0 5.6
I wanna be the Addiction 25.0 5.6
I wanna elm 66.0 5.5
Douyugan 30.0 5.5
I Wanna Vigorously 30.0 5.5
I wanna be the Archfoe 62.0 5.0
I wanna be the immortal butterfly 55.0 5.0
I wanna Break the GellTHE Spike 41.0 5.0
Stars 21.0 4.5
Heartmender 30.0 4.4
Ice Reign 21.0 4.2
Pink 28.0 4.1
I wanna conquer the blow game 10.0 4.0
I wanna Birthday the Cherry 18.0 4.0
I wanna give the cat some acid 45.0 4.0
I wanna be the Xoner 50.0 4.0
P.M.P 1 25.0 3.6
culvert 45.0 3.5
Narsarsuaq 42.0 3.5
Wish me luck 25.0 3.5
I wanna be the Gap 22.0 3.2
Iwanna Skyvoice 24.0 3.1
I wanna be the Uranus 35.0 3.1
I wanna be the tL 15.0 3.0
One Room Needle 21.0 3.0
I wanna formulate the Categorical Imperative 37.0 2.5
I wanna ⑨ 45.0 2.5
Cherry Maruko 30.0 2.5
I wanna be the Jazz needle 42.0 2.3
I wanna be the Infinity 27.0 2.2
I wanna recover the Quality 16.0 2.1
一時間制作アイワナ 20.0 2.0
I wanna be the SkyHigh 28.0 2.0
I wanna be the Art N/A 1.0
I wanna Relax with Needle 2 N/A 1.0
Suffering N/A N/A
Heart-Shaped Triangle N/A N/A
I wanna be the your friends 35.0 N/A
I wanna follow it 40.0 N/A
I Wanna be the Fleeting Flower Forever 75.0 N/A
I wanna be the Perfect Blue 65.0 N/A
chris sadboy needle 13.0 N/A
I Wanna Meet the Oracle at Delphi 65.0 N/A
I Wanna [VERB] the [ADJECTIVE] [NOUN] 70.0 N/A
I wanna be the (mis)Nomer 66.0 N/A
I Wanna – 60.0 N/A
I Wanna be the AIW N/A N/A
Stranded. 65.0 N/A
I wanna detach myself from reality to stop being depressed N/A N/A
I Wanna — 55.0 N/A
I Wanna Christmas Buzz 51.0 N/A

143 Reviews

For: I Wanna Christmas Buzz
My Secret Santa 2023 game made for Verve. May add a golden mode w/ wasp room item at some point if someone can help me figure out the code. Also I tried to fix the trigger layering in the final room but the object depth wasn't working for some reason.

Merry Vervemas everyone. <3

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 51 51
Jan 7, 2024
phgQED [Creator]
For: Heart-Shaped Triangle

Upload link subject to change with game updates

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 22, 2023
For: I wanna catch you
This is the stella game i have been looking for. This is a perfect example of what i would call 'humanized needle', or maybe 'needle for human beings'--until the last area, none of the jumps are ever harder than 32px standard, and they're often nerfed to be more lenient than that. The difficulty in this game comes from the uniqueness of the maneuvers and pathing, not necessarily in the individual trajectories or hitboxes orientations.

Something i found especially appealing about this game, aside from its overall aesthetic (which does a nice job of painting a cohesive picture of its creator along with establishing a nice soft mood), was the fact that pathing elements could appear without being 'used to death'. What i mean, so to speak, is that with a creator of this skill level, sometimes their maps can be nearly inscrutable to someone without the experience to parse everything that's going on. What this means for me, as a fairly untalented player, is that when i see a vine or platform or piece of water, a soft fear sets in that it's going to be re-used later and i'm already missing how, as well as the pathing that comes with it. That isn't the case in this game, and it made interacting with each of the individual elements of the screen more fun when i knew i wouldn't necessarily have to revisit them. Sometimes a vine without your jump is just a vine without your jump, and you won't do a dinosaur loop to come back with your jump refreshed... that was really appealing from my perspective.

The only overall 'critique' i have for this game is that it could have been ever-so-slightly shorter and i wouldn't have complained, given the comfy slice-of-life feel the needle gives. I enjoyed all the content i played, but i did get stuck on one or two saves, mostly due to inexperience with shift holding for vine tech. i also felt like the classic 'game over' music was a bit jarring when contrasted with the soundtrack, and would have preferred just letting the music play, which i couldn't find an option for.

Overall my favorite stella game, one of my favorite needle games of the year, and possibly all time.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 8.9 89       Difficulty: 58 58
Dec 14, 2023
For: luna pixie
I was genuinely excited to play this game because I am big fan of the creator's work otherwise even though it is usually far outside my difficulty range. It is difficult to review a creation, however, when the creator says on the thing that it's 'not good', because then I feel stupid if I like it, whereas if I say I don't like it, they can respond with "well I told you it wasn't good".

With all that said, this game started out very promisingly, with a lot of fun 16px wallhugs and turnaround maneuvers. I think the tileset is great, the engine feels smooth and the game comes prepatched. Even the aesthetics of the object placement are given care and attention, with thing slike spikes merging into each other and happy hollow fruit always blocking the path somewhere. The music is a bombastic jazz tune which didn't quite fit the mood of the game for me, but it was still nice to listen to for a bit.

For some reason many of the early water maneuvers felt overly precise to me, and as the screens went on I noticed this was true of several jumps per save in general, usually which were corners seemingly nerfed by 16px. I get that the entirety of needle is a precision genre, and that you're going to make a jump as precise as feels fun for you, but it seemed odd to me that in a game focused on being low difficulty that there were random jumps which stood out in terms of their tightness.

I was also confused by the pathing in several points, even though I'm sure it's rudimentary to everyone else—I have a real problem discerning anything more basic than 'go exactly here at all times', so this isn't a real knock against the game, but it did leave me with a feeling of frustration which was compounded by the aforementioned jumps. The save point placement often felt too early in a map, leaving me stuck on the second half for far longer than the first.

I think the inclusion of a golden challenge is cool, as it adds an extra level of replayability for more experienced players, and a cool feat for someone dedicated to set their eyes on.

Even though this game wasn't my exact cup of tea, I still greatly appreciate that makers are attempting to release games in this difficulty space. It's for that reason that I downloaded and played this game almost as soon as I found out it existed, and why I took the time to provide detailed feedback instead of just leaving a rating. I hope that some of comments were useful, and that I get the privilege of playing more of this maker's games in the future.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 50 50
Nov 29, 2023
For: culvert
For a surprise release from the makers of one of my favorite simple needle games (I Wanna Cigarette) this was a bit of a disappointment. For one thing, it's an unpatched gm8 game with no native fullscreen and the K2 save bug in 2023. While I appreciate working in nostalgic environments to a degree, these quality of life features are just annoying to be without in the current day and age.

Aside from that, it feels like the game barely gets going before it's over, and my favorite screen of all the ones played was the final one. Up to that the needle felt more rudimentary and annoying than pleasant to go through. The water implementation was a nice nod, but it felt mostly basic until the very end of the game where it finally started to come to life.

The tileset and presentation are nostalgic in general, but you also have things like saves that are placed more than a block away from the start of a jump, and final jumps that feel like they're simply more precise than the rest of the save just because. None of it was upsettingly difficult, and might be good for beginners, but it didn't scratch that 'nostalgic easy needle' itch that it seemed to set out to, at least for me.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 3.5 35       Difficulty: 45 45
Nov 24, 2023

11 Games

GameDifficultyAverage Rating# of Ratings
I wanna be the (mis)Nomer 68.4 4.9 11
I Wanna be the AIW 56.2 6.9 26
I Wanna be the Fleeting Flower Forever 71.8 7.1 7
Heart-Shaped Triangle 61.8 7.6 10
I Wanna Meet the Oracle at Delphi 65.2 5.8 10
I Wanna One Day Wonder 44.6 7.5 11
Stranded. 67.9 6.6 10
Suffering N/A 6.5 4
I Wanna [VERB] the [ADJECTIVE] [NOUN] 67.9 6.3 11
I Wanna – 61.0 5.9 7
I Wanna — 55.3 7.6 12

128 Cleared Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
Wish me luck 25.0 3.5
I wanna be the 3200min 62.0 7.8
I wanna be the Addiction 25.0 5.6
I wanna be the Archfoe 62.0 5.0
I wanna be the Gap 22.0 3.2
I wanna be the Infinity 27.0 2.2
I wanna be the Jazz needle 42.0 2.3
I wanna be the Rainbow needle 34.0 6.6
I wanna be the tL 15.0 3.0
I wanna be the うまい人 50.0 7.0
I wanna Athletic needles 55.0 6.5
I wanna eat the Stuffed Animal 24.0 9.0
I wanna N 40.0 6.2
Narsarsuaq 42.0 3.5
I wanna be the Ender 25.0 6.8
I wanna be the Flower frozen 29.0 8.7
I wanna Jiongyohai 31.0 9.5
I wanna conquer the blow game 10.0 4.0
I wanna recover the Quality 16.0 2.1
I wanna be the Four seasons 41.0 8.5
I wanna be the Onelife 22.0 9.0
I wanna give the cat some acid 45.0 4.0
I Wanna be the Zeus 65.0 6.3
I wanna not to miss you 28.0 6.6
I Wanna Usurp the Celestial Jump 55.0 8.2
I wanna be the Uranus 35.0 3.1
I wanna make the RW 31.0 6.6
I wanna be the Tethys 58.0 10.0
一時間制作アイワナ 20.0 2.0
I Wanna 8-) 38.0 6.9
I wanna get used to Needle Game 35.0 9.8
I wanna birth the azumol 40.0 9.0
I wanna be the Emerald 34.0 7.8
I wanna be the flower considered explicitly 20.0 6.2
I wanna Birthday the Cherry 18.0 4.0
I wanna be the Strongest Fairy 12.0 9.0
I wanna Struggle Momentarily 25.0 8.0
I wanna be Sure in You 28.0 6.4
I wanna Stay Alive 15.0 5.8
I wanna create a Sonic Rainboom 28.0 6.8
I wanna ⑨ 45.0 2.5
I wanna be the Lucien Needle 29.0 7.5
I wanna be the lovely ⑨ 44.0 7.9
I wanna be the Kaenbyou 20.0 8.2
I wanna be the Ingenuity 65.0 7.0
I wanna be the poetic dance 50.0 9.5
I wanna pass the 32px game 53.0 7.9
I wanna Cigarette 37.0 7.9
I wanna deride Kotaro- from aslant 26.0 7.7
I wanna be the Gus Needle 21.0 6.5
I wanna rely the Needle 4 36.0 8.0
I wanna enjoy the Electrified Butterscotch Dandy 42.0 6.5
I wanna be the silvan 20.0 5.7
I wanna climb the Witch's Tower 62.0 8.1
I wanna best the needle 36.0 9.0
I wanna eat the lemon 30.0 8.2
I wanna enjoy the Galvanized Peppermint Dandy 46.0 8.5
I wanna best the needle 3 29.0 5.8
I wanna go the JUN-G World 33.0 8.9
Discord 34.0 6.7
Solnyshko 32.0 9.0
Heartmender 30.0 4.4
I wanna Break the GellTHE Spike 41.0 5.0
I Wanna Tell The World v1.1 (REMAKE. ver) 15.0 7.6
I Wanna Temporal Spire 42.0 8.4
I Wanna LoveSpike 33.0 6.4
I Wanna Vigorously 30.0 5.5
I wanna be the Gabriel 31.0 5.9
I wanna be the Xoner 50.0 4.0
Pink 28.0 4.1
I wanna be the your friends 35.0 N/A
Douyugan 30.0 5.5
Empty Needle 26.0 5.9
Kotton Kande 31.0 6.7
I wanna Limitless 24.0 8.5
I wanna be the Nyx 45.0 7.6
Serotonin 59.0 9.9
Cherry Maruko 30.0 2.5
I wanna ↔ 55.0 7.8
I wanna Aurum 50.0 7.5
This Wanna Be The Day 55.0 9.5
I Wanna Sertraline 45.0 9.9
I Wanna be the Butterfly Effect 45.0 8.5
I wanna Remember my lovely Cat 22.0 8.6
I wanna be the Dessert 34.0 9.5
I wanna elk 60.0 6.7
I Wanna Kind Needle 33.0 6.8
I wanna be the immortal butterfly 55.0 5.0
I wanna elm 66.0 5.5
I wanna shoot the beam! 25.0 7.6
I wanna be the Tegliem 34.0 6.9
I Wanna Take the L 35.0 6.5
Stars 21.0 4.5
I Wanna be the Dononite 45.0 7.0
i wanna fix what's wrong 46.0 10.0
I Wanna 1116 47.0 7.8
I Wanna travel the needle world 2 30.0 8.8
Strawberry needle 43.0 7.7
Iwanna W 50.0 7.0
Wake up 37.0 5.6
I Wanna Be The Caretaker 39.0 9.9
P.M.P 1 25.0 3.6
I wanna fleeting future 46.0 7.8
Poor Mind 33.0 8.9
Ice Reign 21.0 4.2
I wanna be the Phosphorus 58.0 6.9
Iwanna Komorebi 24.0 7.3
Iwanna Skyvoice 24.0 3.1
Iwanna Vibe 40.0 9.2
Iwanna Glacial 32.0 7.5
Iwanna a Girl Of The Sky 42.0 9.4
I Wanna Be The Brothers N/A N/A
i wanna lypophrenia 65.0 7.5
I Wanna Do The Funny Jump N/A N/A
I Wanna Steel Edge 49.0 7.9
One Room Needle 21.0 3.0
I wanna まだダメよ 42.0 7.8
I wanna Nukeru Spike 46.0 9.5
Tiny Fantazm 39.0 7.2
chris sadboy needle 13.0 N/A
YL-Needle 19.0 6.9
Happy Children's Needle 45.0 9.5
I Wanna — 55.0 N/A
I wanna fly Sky high N/A N/A
renex needle 39.0 5.6
I wanna catch you 58.0 8.9
I wanna Ourboros 29.0 6.5
culvert 45.0 3.5