I Wanna LoveSpike

Creator: p00ks

Average Rating
6.2 / 10
Average Difficulty
32.1 / 100
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Needle (16) Short (11) Beginner_Friendly (4)


  • by Fro27y
  • by Jovancece

55 Reviews:

A pretty good little needle game. It feels like a pretty good beginner needle game, as it contains a wide variety of jumps (the problem they may hit is a lot of shorter jumps) but the fact that none of the jumps really need setups and that saves are abundant will allow them to keep moving in a comfortable pace. It also introduces the common gimmicks and uses them in a few basic ways to get them familiar with. Visuals and music is fitting and clean.

Recommended for beginner needle players or anyone looking for an easy clear.

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Tagged as: Needle Short Beginner_Friendly
[3] Likes
Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 30 30
Jul 24, 2018
Enjoyable needle game. My first needle clear

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 22, 2020
Needle is ok, but song... it's f***ing good

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Tagged as: Needle Short Beginner_Friendly
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 30 30
Jun 12, 2023
It's good in a rudimentary sense. The water sections are just 16px gaps though, which is pretty disappointing. The rooms started to feel a little same-y after a while, and the quick song loop got annoying.

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 33 33
Aug 31, 2022
A short needle game with a few gimmicks and a lot of highly painful jumps. There are too many spots for me to count where a low cancel or 1-3f jump seemed almost required. Those, plus lots of diagonals, and some 16px thrown in at the end for fun. Kinda fun bouncy song and look tho, and the save placement was really generous and incentivized a continued playthru. Not a bad romp if you're able to let the frustration bounce off.

Time: ~36min
Deaths: 1008

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Rating: 6.4 64       Difficulty: 33 33
Dec 5, 2021