I wanna Orion

Creator: えるなちゃん

Average Rating
7.6 / 10
Average Difficulty
58.2 / 100
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Needle (15) Avoidance (8) Visual_Challenge (2) SourPls (1) Environment_Dependent (1)


  • by Ayumi
  • by Ayumi
  • by Nogard
  • by WrathofAnubis
  • by NightShark115
  • by NightShark115
  • by WrathofAnubis
  • by Ayumi
  • by WrathofAnubis
  • by WrathofAnubis
  • by Ayumi

46 Reviews:

This is not a good game.

The needle design is repetitive and generic. Sure, this might not be endless corridors filled with diagonals, but there's still nothing interesting about the way Orion spams diagonals, nerfed ledge grabs, and F jumps. Later on this changes to spamming corners and quasi-plane jumps, except the designer often gives the player bad align these. Add in a slew of annoying vstring dependent drops - where the game doesn't even bother to give the player a consistent bonk setup for the vstring - and you've got the needle design of this game in a nutshell. Also it keeps going, and going, and going, for many screens, despite so little variation. I guess I should also mention that save placement is mediocre at best.

Unfortunately, that's not where the bad things end. The visual FX in this game are incredibly overdone, to the point where they actively detract from the game experience. Constant screen shake and screen flashing, even screen tilting are present, and assault the player with unpleasant distractions. While I understand the value many players and creators put upon visuals, a balance must be reached wherein the visuals do not distract and/or detract from the player experience. That balance was not found here.

Finally, a game should never disable pressing the R key to reset at any time. Additionally, it should never add in an animatioin delay for every restart. These interrupt the extremely foundational gameplay loop that every experience I Wanna player has drilled into his or her head. I don't care if your custom death and restart animations look nice. I might appreciate those the first couple of times, but I'll be skipping past them as quickly as possible over the rest of my hundreds of deaths in your game.

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[11] Likes
Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 50 50
Oct 8, 2017
Ratings don't include avoidance.

The needle in this game is actually pretty fun, if somewhat over-reliant on diagonals, but it's ruined by the incredibly obnoxious visual effects. If there's such a thing as "fake difficulty,' this game would certainly qualify - good luck identifying water tiles amid the visual clutter, or dealing with platforming on the edges of the screen when it's constantly tilting back and forth. Like, the creator wants to have visuals that make the game stand out, and I can respect that, but there are decisions here that negatively impact the actual playability of the design itself, and I just can't get behind that. I'd like this game a lot more if the screen tilting and other visual effects were removed entirely, and if water tiles were more plainly visible at a glance.

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[3] Likes
Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 45 45
Oct 7, 2017
An absolutely gorgeous needle game full of interesting jumps and cool effects. Probably the prettiest tileset I've ever seen, but manages to balance the visual clutter just enough for it to be perfectly playable as well. I honestly loved basically everything about this game, from the animations to the sound effects to the way the aesthetic is so perfectly synced with the music. Highly recommended to any fans of needle.

My only real complaint is that it's not longer.

Edit: I have since learned that an avoidance is unlocked if you beat the game in under 30 min - both the difficulty of achieving this and the difficulty of the avoidance are vastly different from the core platforming, and I don't think I'm really qualified to judge either.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
[3] Likes
Rating: 9.3 93       Difficulty: 55 55
Nov 23, 2015
If you don't have a good enough computer, good luck keeping at the game at a high enough frame rate to even start. From what I can tell, there's nothing on the download page that acknowledges the game checking for this before letting you play, adding to the confusion (readme doesn't exist either).
If your computer is actually good enough, then ignore this. Just know that if you're unable to start the game, that's why.

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Tagged as: Environment_Dependent
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
May 12, 2021
Ratings include avoidance.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
[1] Like
Rating: 8.8 88       Difficulty: 90 90
Aug 13, 2020