I wanna be the Justice Guy

Creators: Gustav, Influcca

Average Rating
9.2 / 10
Average Difficulty
79.2 / 100
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Adventure (9) Trap (1) Gimmick (3) Boss (6) Special (4) Long (3) Unique (1) Weapon_System (1) Action (1)


  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by ThePolaroid
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol

44 Reviews:

Production Value: 10/10
Gameplay: 8/10
Music: 8/10

The game obviously has a ton of work put into it, based on its very well done visuals, but it's painfully obvious that the game needed more polishing before its release. The first two worlds are filled with bad triggers that require trial and error to understand and get past, hordes of bullet sponge enemies that you get tired of killing, and clear difficulty imbalances with save placements. It gets better designed as the game goes on, but not by much.

The platforming is mostly unmemorable and boring, save for a few levels that incorporate mechanics such as stealth or poison water. Boss fights are similar to Time Machine and Best Guy style, but feel more grindy and less fun. Many of their attacks will kill you over and over again until you understand how to deal with them. While this isn't always a problem, the fact that most bosses gain a new attack pattern which is likely to instakill you on low health is unfair and only causes more frustration.

If you're a fan of Influka or Gustav's fangame styles, I would give this game a try. If you don't have the patience to stick through tedious segments just to reach some decent content, you probably should stay away.

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Rating: 8.2 82       Difficulty: 70 70
Dec 30, 2015
This review is based on a 100% Clear

Justice Guy is a big game, and it's also one I have a lot to say about because just how interesting it is. The game can be divided into three major sections, so might as well start with the surface level stuff, the any% playthrough.

Before even talking about the actual content of the game, the mechanics need to be delved into a bit, because they aren't normal fangame controls. The main differences are weapon swapping and sliding, both of which are used very well throughout the game and feel extremely natural. Adding extra controls can sometimes be overwhelming or unintuitive, but it's very obvious these systems are not just an afterthought, they are deliberate and baked into the level and boss design.

The platforming is interesting. It's certainly the weaker part of the game and less notable since there's half as many platform stages as there are unique boss fights, and that's not an exaggeration, 18 vs 37. I would never however call these stages bad. There are definitely some strange things, like enemies that are sorta just super obnoxious, or some landmines which almost always get you because they are so tiny, but these stages are still really fun, and emphasize one of the strongest aspects of the game, flow. Finding efficient ways to kill enemies or the best weapon for a situation is fun and engaging, and most importantly, prepares you for the bosses. There is a dedicated tutorial, but these platforming stages REALLY get you used to the mechanics, and these are the true tutorials in my opinion. They might be a bit underrated, but at the same time this really isn't the reason this game is so beloved.

Okay so let's talk about the bosses, and there's a lot to say even when restricting ourselves to the 8 any% bosses. I mentioned that the games flow is one of it's strongest aspects, and the bosses emphasize this. There are exceptions but most bosses in this game are built on instincts and reactions. You need to react to the attacks you see, and use your instincts to know the most efficient ways to dodge. The bosses have learning curves, however they feel very natural to the gameplay (for the most part) because the things you learn aren't silly patterns that instantly kill you (again, for the most part, we will get there) but rather the best ways to handle certain situations, and make yourself more likely to survive or deal more damage. Just like how in the platforming you have to swap between weapons to get the best one for the job, in the bosses you need to use the best weapon to deal the safest and biggest damage. The missile launcher pierces defenses but is super slow, shotgun does tons of damage but has tiny range, and the machine gun is fast and safe, but super weak against defensive enemies. This dynamic works beautifully, and is best shown in some of the best bosses in this early leg of the game are the 4th boss, X1 and X2, and the first phase of the final boss, Deus and Leina. Now the second phase of the final boss I'm not nearly as keen on, but that's for when I bring up negatives.

Okay so after any% you unlock some secrets, and these are actually the last platforming in the game. You go back, get the 18 relics, and now the only content left in the game is 29 bosses back to back. 18 of these come in the form of the boss rush, and honestly I really like these. After the super hard final boss, having so many bite sized bosses you can quickly take down feels great honestly, and they are really fun. There's a wide range of difficulty here, but realistically if you can get this far, you can do all of these. This is all setting up for one of my favorite bosses in the game, and the true final boss of the Normal mode, Laplace. Laplace is an awesome fight, he's all about the aspects I mentioned early but REALLY emphasizes micromanaging space. It's super tough, I'm torn between if it's hardest boss or not because I think the very last boss of EXCEED might be a little harder, but it's just so rewarding and in my opinion is a definite highlight of the playthrough.

After Laplace you unlock EXCEED mode, which is really fun as well. It's boss refights, except you have 5 HP and the bosses are way stronger. I like these a lot, especially since many of them change the boss drastically and feel brand new. Several of the EXCEED fights are some of my favorites in the game, but if I had to pick standouts, they would be Boss 3, 4, 5, and both Leina phases.

Okay so now that I've talked about all the good, I need to talk about why my rating is not a 10/10, and part of it is the platforming not being absolutely AMAZING, but there's also two bosses dragging down the rating. To start, EXCEED Deus is just kinda annoying. It's a super reaction based fight, but not in an engaging way for me. It just feels like a reaction time test, and I'd rather go to human benchmark for one of those. It's easily the weakest part of EXCEED mode and probably the weakest fight in the game "objectively", but it's not my least favorite. My least favorite is the any% final boss, Deus and Leina phase 2. To explain briefly why I dislike this boss, it turns the learning element of "learn optimal ways to dodge to increase your chances of survival" to "learn 18 instagibby avoidance intermissions or you can't progress." It's such a blatant brick wall that it feels like it undermines the fun more random parts of the boss, as ultimately most of your attempts are waiting to get smashed by one of the many throwback bosses you haven't learned yet. On repeat playthroughs I'd likely enjoy this much more, but on the first playthrough it was rough to stomach.

If this review was based on any%, I'd give the game an 8.0/10 and a 76/100 difficulty rating. You can see based on my actual rating, that going for 100% is just the superior experience in my opinion. It's not much harder and gives you access to some of the best bosses, and easily offsets the weakest parts of the game. I encourage everyone who plays this game to at least TRY the Boss Rush, Laplace, and EXCEED mode stuff, because for me it was absolutely worth it, and made the experience that much more memorable and positive. Justice Guy is not a perfect fangame, but at it's peak it offers some of the most fun fangame gameplay out there, and easily has some of the best bosses of all time. A must play in my opinion.

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[2] Likes
Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 78 78
May 16, 2023
can someone create an english mod for this game

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Nov 30, 2022
well, better than other games anyway. i can't understand why people hates this game. better than k3 or whatever.
i think people like creepy cherry avoidance or needles.. well, lots of makers need to create like this game or TTT2.

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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 85 85
Mar 1, 2016
Rating based on 100%


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Tagged as: Adventure Boss
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Rating: 9.7 97       Difficulty: 72 72
Jan 30, 2024