37 Reviews:
I used to think I didn't like trap games, until I played this. Fantastic game with some really neat puzzle gimmicks and actually funny traps. While the gimmicks are nothing TRULY original - I recognized at least three from various other (non-fan)games - they are used well, require some actual thinking and are very original as far as fangames go. Really, my only major complaint was the "invisible maze" in the INK area, which I just ended up manually recreating as I went in jtool. Other than that, I had some framerate issues in a few places, but nothing too major.
For those who haven't seen it, the final boss is also a really neat reference to Kaizo Trap: https://youtu.be/lIES3ii-IOg?t=4m32s.
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For those who haven't seen it, the final boss is also a really neat reference to Kaizo Trap: https://youtu.be/lIES3ii-IOg?t=4m32s.
Rating: 9.9 99
Difficulty: N/A
Apr 29, 2016
It's a great game, but had it's hiccups. A lot of it looks really solid production wise, but a few parts fell short. The things that were most frustrating outside of end of save traps would have to be a few buggy aspects of the game, and possibly unintentional skips. Overall, it's not a bad game, and if you can get through the trolls, it's worth a play. Just have to use your noggin.
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Rating: 8.1 81
Difficulty: 63 63
Mar 31, 2016