18 Reviews:
The avoidance is cool but sometimes is hard in the pattern parts.
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Rating: 6.5 65
Difficulty: 45 45
Jan 16, 2022
I hardly remember anything about the Needle leading up to the Avoidance. The Avoidance itself was horribly boring with how long you have to wait till you get to the actually difficult part, which is near the end.
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Rating: 2.0 20
Difficulty: 40 40
Nov 30, 2020
Four screens of forgettable needle followed by an avoidance that's 3 minutes of nothing with a somewhat precise pattern at the end. There are literally three sections where you just stand still for 30 seconds. Also, the background is black so it's easy to get killed by a literally invisible cherry stem.
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Rating: 2.8 28
Difficulty: 40 40
Sep 20, 2020