2 Reviews:
100 floor game with short platform jump -based saves.
No need to cancel twice in the platform in 90, being in a good subpixel range and a single cancel is enough, which is easy to accomplish thanks to the platform.
No need to cancel twice in the platform in 90, being in a good subpixel range and a single cancel is enough, which is easy to accomplish thanks to the platform.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: 69 69
Aug 18, 2021
This appears to be a needle trials game that takes slight inspiration from the Infinity Trials (due to the screen layout and scrolling grid), themed around platforms hindering your progress past a gate jump. I decided not to continue with this after a few screens because I honestly didn't care to find out if there was anything else to this, but if anyone else wants to try it themselves, then go ahead I guess.
Edit: Zero coming in with the clutch once again, here's his video of all 100 screens in the whole game: https://youtu.be/R6Kt0uxRVbs
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Edit: Zero coming in with the clutch once again, here's his video of all 100 screens in the whole game: https://youtu.be/R6Kt0uxRVbs
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Mar 7, 2021