I wanna thread the Needle
Creators: Kale, YoYoYoDude, Stonk, infern0man1, Thenadertwo, Fate, kadykunde
49 Reviews:
A really solid needle collab. The difficulty varies from stage to stage and they all feel very different from each other.
I'll try to give a brief description of each area.
Keep in mind that I played on version 1.0, before some level design changes
Inspired by TsuTaMao (I guess?), the saves are really short, only three or four jumps per save. Most of the jumps are unique and really interesting. Compared to the rest it's probably one of the easiest and one of my favourites.
Medium length saves, a lot of them based around the save your second jump theme. Very nice usage of vines and platforms. It mixes double jump and single jump water so it might feel weird.
Medium length saves. Probably my least favourite area because of the visuals, the colour changing background feels annoying to me, and the vines sprite blends with the blocks tileset in my opinion. The last screen features an interesting double jump water segment.
Longer saves, pretty hard but straightfoward needle. Recycles the crimson tileset, and you will get really sad just before clearing the area.
Objectively the easiest area. The saves have different lengths, but nothing feels very tight or hard. It uses another neon tileset.
Definitely the hardest area in the game, the visuals are amazing, but the saves are really long and most of them feature some really precise jumps. The last screen is harder than everything else in the game, and it seems really unnecessary in my opinion.
My favourite area. The visuals and the music,
along with the level design, contribute to create a nice claustrophobic feeling, and I really love it. Nice usage of vines and platforms.
Rating does not include extra
I'll try to give a brief description of each area.
Keep in mind that I played on version 1.0, before some level design changes
Inspired by TsuTaMao (I guess?), the saves are really short, only three or four jumps per save. Most of the jumps are unique and really interesting. Compared to the rest it's probably one of the easiest and one of my favourites.
Medium length saves, a lot of them based around the save your second jump theme. Very nice usage of vines and platforms. It mixes double jump and single jump water so it might feel weird.
Medium length saves. Probably my least favourite area because of the visuals, the colour changing background feels annoying to me, and the vines sprite blends with the blocks tileset in my opinion. The last screen features an interesting double jump water segment.
Longer saves, pretty hard but straightfoward needle. Recycles the crimson tileset, and you will get really sad just before clearing the area.
Objectively the easiest area. The saves have different lengths, but nothing feels very tight or hard. It uses another neon tileset.
Definitely the hardest area in the game, the visuals are amazing, but the saves are really long and most of them feature some really precise jumps. The last screen is harder than everything else in the game, and it seems really unnecessary in my opinion.
My favourite area. The visuals and the music,
along with the level design, contribute to create a nice claustrophobic feeling, and I really love it. Nice usage of vines and platforms.
Rating does not include extra
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 8.1 81
Difficulty: 73 73
Jul 5, 2016