I wanna be the 'x' where x/5=6.4

Creator: AlexBrogan

Average Rating
7.8 / 10
Average Difficulty
62.7 / 100
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Needle (6) Pathing_Puzzle (1)


  • by Anonymous
  • by l3agu32
  • by Zorgo

26 Reviews:

6.66 MB to download??? lol

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 60 60
Feb 9, 2017

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 70 70
Jan 18, 2024
The good parts: great pathing, nice visuals, most saves are fun and balanced.
The not so good parts: The music grated on me after a while, and some jumps are a significant difficulty spike, most notably a FTFA-like jump in the middle of a save and several vine jumps into a tbone (one of them in a save with an underwater dplane on top of that!)

It is a well-known tenet that restrictions breed creativity, but if you restrict yourself too much then that doesn't work too well, and sadly with 32px grid needle I feel one can only do so much without either going into FTFA territory (which is not bad per se, but not my cup of tea) or spamming named jumps (challenge: count all the tbones in screenshot 1/3)

It's still a decent needle game, and I'm glad I cleared it despite being outside my comfort zone. Looking forward to seeing what AlexBrogan can do in a less restrictive context.

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 63 63
Jun 12, 2023
Good game but that shows the limitations of 32px grid because some saves were kinda bruh.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 63 63
Jul 12, 2021
This is a heavy vine/water/platform needle game on a pure 32px grid. The level design and flow is all pretty great, with a lot of high airtime maneuvers that are satisfying to pull off.

Admittedly I'm not the biggest fan of 32px in general, and I feel like weaknesses of the game come from them. The balance between some jumps feels lopsided based on how well it fits into the grid, though he still did a great job of balancing saves according to the jumps within them. All in all, it doesn't hurt the game much but there are some annoying jumps along the way because of it. Still, if you like classic gimmick heavy platforming with double jump conservation and all that jazz, this is very much worth playing.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 7.8 78       Difficulty: 60 60
Apr 17, 2019