I wanna Lap Around

Creator: tuhkakuppi

Average Rating
8.1 / 10
Average Difficulty
86.8 / 100
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Needle (17) Original (1) Grind (2) Unique (1) FTFA-like (6) lap_around-like (3) Setup (2)


  • by Anonymous
  • by Pyure

Creator's Comments:

tuhkakuppi [Creator]
A harder needle game where your objective is to lap around.
Have fun, maybe.

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[13] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jun 10, 2018

50 Reviews:

good game, almost all the jumps have a setup.
i love this game, thanks for making.

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Tagged as: Needle Original
[0] Likes
Rating: 9.3 93       Difficulty: 91 91
Mar 4, 2021
I liked this game a lot, though there was a save I didn't enjoy that much.
That was only 1 save though, the rest of the game was great.

It was save 12, it starts with 2 jumps where you have to be as close to the spike as possible, then 5 frame and press right on the same frame, where after the second one comes a frame-perfect double jump. It can get really irritating getting stuck on the first 2 jumps from time to time, wasn't enjoyable to grind out.

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Tagged as: Needle Grind FTFA-like
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 85 85
Feb 19, 2021
This is legit the most fun I've had with a needle game in a long time, every jump feels satisfying to pull off and it's quite creative for being 32x32 grid
I'd recommend this game to everyone that has the skill or is up to the challenge

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Tagged as: Needle FTFA-like
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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 90 90
Feb 1, 2021
I like it a lot

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 89 89
Jun 13, 2020

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[0] Likes
Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 90 90
Feb 24, 2019