Creator: はなもげた

Average Rating
6.9 / 10
Average Difficulty
28.7 / 100
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Needle (10) Gimmick (5) Boss (4) 100_Floor (7) Special (6) x_Floor (6) 100-Floor (1) Leaderboards (1) :tf: (1) Procedural_Generation (1)


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39 Reviews:

Played during September.

It's a paradox; better put, it's a waste of potential. はなもげた had the best intentions: an interactive game with variety, nice graphics and a reward system that wants you making progress, unlock nice thingies and make each experience new. But this doesn't have the charm and replayability of Nemega's Be the Cat. It's like a roller-coaster: exciting during the first time and quite redundant around the fourth replay. The biggest incentive is the interactivity with the community and comparing/sharing results with the beautiful people present in this site, but again, if the community happens to agree with the opinion that the game gets repetitive and boring quite fast, there is really not much of an incentive.

I recommend it for a full playthrough of each game mode twice or thrice, but not for getting all achievements/skins/tilesets because, well, there are many fangames out there to be played. More honestly, that's not the real reason: if the gameplay variety was as vast as the amount of rewards and unlockables, there would be a point in achieving them, but there isn't. I applaud the graphic effort and how it wanted to make the community close (no Troll Face clap like the one in the game), but this suffers from the same problem Candy Crush does: it's doing the same thing again and again, and it's not worth it.

Also, I DON'T recommend this game for speedrunning because bosses are a big, generic and unnecessary waste of time.

Extra points, of course, for making a good try. I recommend it for beginners that are not fans of old-school games (I am kind of discovering that I might prefer old classics).

Biggest recommendation? I know it is difficult and requires resources and time, but even Solgryn did it: add a Nemega-like live Multiplayer mode and this would be a different story. Still not the best, but certainly much better.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Boss 100_Floor
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Rating: 4.3 43       Difficulty: 30 30
Oct 19, 2019
Incredibly well-made floor game that generates its floors procedurally, which is perfect to avoid impossible jumps, dead ends and even unbalanced difficulty, all of which would be visible issues at a fangame that uses 100% RNG platforming. Furthermore, there's a lot of content in it. You can choose between four game modes: Speedrunning, where you race RNG to clear the game as quickly as you can and earn coins based on how well you do; Onelife, where you only have one life to beat the entire game (Similarly to the impossible mode attempts that some people like to do at x-floor fangames). Coins are awarded based on how far you get; Hell, where you can spend your coins (5 per attempt) to try your luck at really difficult procedurally generated needle sections; And finally, the Free Mode, where you can customize your run as it suits you. There are online leaderboards for every mode but the last one (For obvious reasons), and the process of registering yourself (Required if you want to join the boards) is pretty simple.
The coins you earn can be used to attempt the Hell mode, but can also be used to buy some really nice tilesets and kid sprites (The more elaborate, the more expensive) for you to use on your next playthroughs. The visuals are as great as you'd expect from the person that made Hanamogeta and Darejar, and the music choices are nice (The death sound is the loud thing from the original Guy, but since the game is built in a way that doesn't let the player die too many times in a row unless he really wants to, that's not too bad). There are some nice small details, like the diving mask The Kid always wears when he's underwater, and the way The Kid jumps from one floor to the next one in a 3D-esque fashion upon reaching the portal.
The sole thing that took exactly 3.6 points (Edit: 4.6. Production value shouldn't be carrying a game, even if it's this much production) away from my rating is the bland design of the floors themselves. A fangame with multiple game modes, online leaderboards, coin awards and all the stuff that requires the player to play it multiple times, over and over again, needs to have enough variety to keep the player entertained through the multiple playthroughs. This game doesn't even have enough variety for an entertaining first playthrough. There are sections with moving spikes, water and vine jumps, but those are rare, and nowhere near enough to hold anyone's interest for 100 floors. Screen to screen and jump to jump, the differences are minimal, and, as Whalington said, there aren't that many screen models for the procedural code to choose from. Not to mention, floor fangames usually rely on changes of the tilesets/musics/etc every few floors (Usually 25, but most of the good ones change every 10, or less) to avoid looking monotonous. This game doesn't make use of that, featuring the same visuals from Floor 1 to Floor 100, which makes it look even more monotonous than it already is.
It looks amazing, and definitely had a lot of potential. It's just that the potential was wasted on a repetitive 100-floor fangame that already starts to get repetitive by the 7th one. Probably wouldn't recommend unless you don't have anything else to play.

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Tagged as: x_Floor
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Rating: 5.4 54       Difficulty: 25 25
May 7, 2017
I Wanna Be The Vanilla tries some really interesting and new ideas, but it feels more like a tech demo than an actual game.

RNG level design is a gimmick worth exploring, but the execution of the idea here just fell flat. The game is fun and interesting for about ten minutes, then you realize that the randomness of the content actually makes the game bland and boring. Most of my score comes from the production value, idea, and attempt rather than the content, which is what should shine the most in a game. For example, every boss in the game is just an apple with generic attacks that could be found in hundreds of other bad fangames. Adding a handicap to the levels just spawns twenty apples in every room instead of actually trying to make the game harder while still being fun. Vanilla may seem like a fantastic game on the surface, but after digging into it, the game just falls apart.

I'm not sure who to actually recommend this game to. For beginners to fangames, I can see them getting bored extremely fast and dropping it to play any other much better beginner game. For normal fangame players, there's almost nothing of value. I guess if you want a quick short experimental game to experience, give it a try.

I know that Hanamogeta was trying something new and unique, but my appreciation of his idea and effort can only go so far.

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Tagged as: Needle 100_Floor Special
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: N/A
Nov 30, 2016
A procedurally generated game. My problem with this game is that there's only so many sections of rooms that are in the system to be procedurally generated, and that led to the fact that by my second run of this game, everything felt like I'd seen it before, which I had. The bosses are pretty lackluster, consisting of apples that have easy patterns, and then slightly harder versions of the same apples which now move, making the boss fight longer(but not at all more exciting). The costumes are cool and the leaderboards are neat, but the game itself gets very old very quickly in my opinion. I'd reccommend it, but it needs more variety for me to enjoy it.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Boss x_Floor
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Rating: 5.6 56       Difficulty: 24 24
Nov 28, 2016
This is a 100 Floor game. But not just any 100 Floor game, it's one that generates the floors procedurally instead of loading already made rooms, which does actually make it more fun.

But that's not all! There's more to it than just procedurally generated rooms. The game has FOUR awesome modes, with FOUR amazing concepts! Let me show you... oh no... OH MAN! I totally forgot to bring the list! This is embarrasing... okay don't worry.

Just kidding, here it is:

-Free Play: The normal mode, with a lot of settings.
-Speed Run: If you want to speedrun this game, this is for you.
-One Life Mode: Basically Impossible Mode. See if you can reach for the top!
-Hell Mode: Basically One Life Mode but the rooms are much, much harder. Good luck on this one.

There's also a shop with some kid and block skins, though there isn't much variety, at least when compared to Cultured 2's, but whatever, something is something.

Also, like in some other fangames you might or might not find, there is an Online mode. No, it doesn't let you play multiplayer, you silly. It basically consists of two leaderboards: one for Speed Run and the other one for One Life Mode. Also, you get notified when somebody goes online. You can play as guest or make an account yourself, it doesn't matter either way.

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Tagged as: 100_Floor Special
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 25 25
Nov 28, 2016