6 Reviews:
An alright avoidance, which uses the song "Rolling Girl" by wowaka. The design is kind of weird, since while the attacks themselves are good-looking and fun to dodge, there's also a lot of dead space in the fight, and sometimes dodging isn't something the game lets you do. There's a bunch of examples of that latter point, but by far the worst one is the two rainbow circles. On top of this, the game doesn't do a very good job of telling you what the next attack is gonna be, leading to a frustrating experience on a blind playthrough. While these negatives sound like a lot, I will admit the attacks themselves were fun enough to negate this flaw for the most part. So in the end, this is a game I would recommend, but not without watching a video first to know what exactly you're getting into.
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 45 45
Jan 1, 2025