I wanna Aimai

Creator: たらこ

Average Rating
6.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
54.2 / 100
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Avoidance (6)


  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by NightShark115
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by Onynekyu

8 Reviews:

This is one of those cases, when I can say that game leaves mixed feelings after the clear.

I am not entirely sure who exactly made this game, but I personally believe that this is author's first and final (so far) game. Judging by test player I guess this is Japanese community fangame. Surprisingly, unlike many other Japanese fangames which are made on Game Maker 8, I wanna Aimai is made on Game Maker Studio. You rarely see this, so it already makes interest on what is this fangame.

Before main review, I would like to start with fun fact that while fixing Game Maker Studio lagging issue I have found out that interestingly enough this game has alternative title – I wanna be Ambiguous. It is still left if you look on exe's archive. I have seen on Youtube that song of this avoidance has alternative title – ambiguous, or something like that. Fun fact.

Main review:

This is avoidance game showing variety of creative attacks, questionable attacks, generic attacks and unfair attacks.

When you start avoidance you feel like that avoidance is not that bad – few easy-ish patterns, not too bad RNG attacks. Problems start to arise once you have gotten to the part when background changes its colour to blue. If you play blindly then there is a high chance that you may get stuck on patterns. If you are not in the centre and playing everything in the corner then you are risking to have bad RNG. And if you do not get in the corner when screen starts zooming effects, then you will die without understanding what did kill you.

But if you think that non-blind playthrough will help you, then you are mistaking.

When you return back to regular to intial background, you will have to meet with many questionable attacks. Sure, some of them are quite original, for instance, the "figure" attack, however, when there are pure RNG throwing attacks, it will be very stressful. And even "figure" attack can give you some very questionable situations. Moreover, situations can be very different – sometimes you can just stay in corner and everything will be fine and sometimes you have to do very unpleasant maneuvers. Patterns are also far from being "friendly" – you actually have to react fast or to know very explicitly clearly what you need to do.

And then after "heart" attack there is attack when you need to constantly be in motion to avoid very sudden aiming-like attack. But in the same time you need to avoid RNG. Idea is very creative, but realisation could be better. Even if you get passed that attack you need to be ready for final patterns of regular background – tight, unpleasant and causing a huge stress for the player.

Finale itself is not very bad – it returns to the blue background and difficulty is tolerable. However, after getting to it I can guarantee that you will feel very anxious to beat avoidance after struggling through previous attacks. Easily first-tryable but you definitely need to pay attention on your dodges.

Also I am glad that final burst does not kill you.

What about visuals?

Whimsical and definitely not for my taste. I mean minimalistic style looks amazing at the beginning. However, when colour of background changes, I am really questioning the choice of colours and trails. You can notice small details, but all of them look out of place for me. Blue bakcground colour does not fit for this song, in my opinion. Delicious fruit trails and colour choice is also unfitting for me to appreciate. Especially, final phase has many visual effects but it all looks like it was taken from different avoidance. I am not sure I am the only one who dislike it, but aesthetics definitely are not my cup of tea.

Of course, there are some cool designs like zooming effect and overall I like choice of the first background and regular delicious fruit design for it. Yet good and bad features for my taste are making mix of uncertain feelings.

And these uncertain feelings you can say both about visuals and attacks. And thus it is hard to say how much I liked or disliked this avoidance. Also I would like to warn you that I have heard that people also kind of dislike the song. I cannot agree on this, since I actually quite like this style of soundtracks. However, you should be ready that this can also affect your experience a lot.

Overall, I am really unsure how to feel about this endurance. It has potential and great ideas. However, author did leave also very poor choices too. Moreover, difficulty is above average, so be ready that you can easily get stuck for several hours. I have beaten avoidance twice and my 2nd attempt took more than 2 hours, while 1st one only around 1 hour. Not sure is it because I had bad RNG or me being bad, yet my experience did not really different. I would not call this game as a catastrophe, but it is not a masterpiece either.

I guess I would rather not recommend this avoidance, unless you are sure that you can beat it quickly and not be frustrated from it. But do not expect too much, really.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 6.2 62       Difficulty: 56 56
Jun 5, 2021
wall central

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 3.5 35       Difficulty: 50 50
Dec 7, 2020
Good music but some attacks are not good.

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Rating: 6.9 69       Difficulty: 53 53
Nov 25, 2020
средний авоиденс на заучку. Одна атака откровенно интересная, остальные ну... средние.

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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: N/A
Jul 26, 2020
Relaxing music with good attacks. There is one or two pattern attacks which the timing is tight, otherwise, i enjoy this game

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 57 57
Apr 7, 2018