Flames Needle

Creators: Flames, Lucien, q123, Yooo, 03, TheWWworld, Pingmin

Average Rating
6.6 / 10
Average Difficulty
74.3 / 100
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Needle (8) 100_Floor (4) x_Floor (1) 100-Floor (1) Extra (2) CrimsonNeedle-Like (1)


  • by ChakaZaluu
  • by NightShark115
  • by Epic_sax_cake

18 Reviews:

Decent hard 100f needle. While there are some good things, there are a lot of shit here and there and a huge part of the first half is very whatever tier. For the guest stages, Lucien was cool, q123 last screen was a massive spike in difficulty and I ended up cancelling a jump to skip it because it was very unfun, 03 was decent, TheWWworld is ok-ish generic needle and Yooo probably never played fangames and had no idea what he was doing.
Didn't do extra as it looked really hard and not very fun.

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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 77 77
Nov 1, 2021
The game lives up to its difficulty. Not bad for a 100 Floor needle game.

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Tagged as: Needle 100_Floor
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 75 75
Jul 12, 2020
Game starts out fine until around 60 or 70, when it devolves into generic needle. The last 2 guest stages were fine though.

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Rating: 4.8 48       Difficulty: 80 80
Nov 7, 2019
A 100 floor needle game that after floor 80 switches it up to 5 guest stages of 4 rooms each. It starts out probably around a 50 and progresses as you go. Its mostly standard engine gimmick needle but there are a couple stages in the middle with triggers, giving a bit of variety (and also a softlock risk but you have to go out of your way to screw yourself).

In general, the base game (through floor 80) is quite good. Lots of different styles, changing visuals and interesting jumps. The two complaints I'd have with it is S saves with occasionally annoying positioning and a kind of disregard to save length for difficulty. Because of this, the single screen saves near the end are much, much harder.

This problem carries over into the guest stages too. Lucien's stage is moderate difficulty with medium length saves that are quite challenging. Q123's stage has long saves and while not as difficult jumps ends up being much harder. His area also contains some interesting water/vine needle design. After this it kind of goes downhill. The remaining stages incorporate no gimmicks, are mostly 32px and blander design. WWworld's stage in particular ends with just a couple of annoyingly precise jumps per save with a bunch of generic filler. Also the visuals lock in with nothing but a color palette change which makes the later generic stages even more bland.

Overall the base game and the first two guest stages are pretty great, the last three aren't really worth it but given they're a step down in difficulty and you've gotten that far - it shouldn't be a big deal to finish it up. Its a pretty steep grind for intermediate players and still a long needle romp for advanced players and worth considering if you're looking for a needle game to sink some time into.

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Tagged as: Needle 100_Floor
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Rating: 7.7 77       Difficulty: 75 75
Jul 24, 2018
This rating is based without extra. In the read me the creator gave one of the areas difficulty a 75 which is the hardest thing before extra. Extra is also specifically given an 80 difficulty as well. It also has some align dependent and long jumps in it. The game is worth playing if you can make it to the guest stages but extra is really hard and not really worth it.

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Tagged as: Needle x_Floor
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 75 75
Nov 19, 2017