I wanna come from the north

Creator: infern0man1

Average Rating
7.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
77.5 / 100
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Needle (8)


  • by Chatran
  • by Chatran

26 Reviews:

I'm allowing myself one negative review to discourage people from playing a game. I believe this game does so much wrong. The visuals have good ideas to them, but the background tiles are used sparingly and can lead to unfair deaths on screen transitions (especially between the first and second screens). The needle overall is horrible to play and was inspired by a certain individual, who I shall not name, but who I felt should not have been given a tribute such as this.

I'm happy people have been inspired by my works, but this is a work I cannot bring myself to see any worth in. I have no pride over this era of my back catalogue, and the weirdly positive reception and following it received felt very bitter when works I put in far more heart and soul into were ignored. Do I think this game deserves a 0? Probably not, but I feel justified giving it such a rating all the same.

There's too much negativity involved with this game for me. For those who I lashed out against, I do apologise for my harsh behavior. However, I do hope you now understand where I am coming from. I won't stop anybody from playing this game if you get ahold of it, but if there is something I would recommend, it would be to try out literally anything else. Spare yourself my black sheep, please.

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[4] Likes
Rating: 0.0 0       Difficulty: N/A
Sep 28, 2017
There is one thing you will always get with Inf games hard or easy, and its the uniqueness that comes with the level design and this is no different. While I think some jumps, and even entire saves sometimes are a bit unbalanced or need specific tweaking, it doesn't take away from the game in its entirety.

I see why this Inf game is one of the ones that doesn't have a lot of reviews, because it is on the high end of the difficulty spectrum, but even so, if you are competent, I would highly advise adding this to your list of needle games to play.

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Tagged as: Needle
[3] Likes
Rating: 8.2 82       Difficulty: 82 82
Nov 17, 2018
Could be better if without some asshole jumps. I still enjoy it though.

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Tagged as: Needle
[1] Like
Rating: 7.6 76       Difficulty: 75 75
Feb 4, 2023
This game is very inconsistent, not necessarily in a bad way but there's a pretty wide range of difficulty, types of jumps, save length, among other things throughout the game. The one consistent thing is water grabs, this game has a lot of them and as someone who tends to enjoy that kind of thing, it's a pretty good time. There's definitely moments where I think some sections are excessively precise, like the second to last save starting with two planes, or the first jump on screen 2, but for the most part it works for me and I had a pretty good time.

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Rating: 7.7 77       Difficulty: 67 67
Jul 16, 2024
A game that has aged surprisingly well. The first save and the short plane meatgrinder saves were unfun and felt a bit too much like luck, and the rest is a tad too precise in places, but overall this remains very fun to play with good general movement design that holds up even into the modern era. With that said, this game seems like a classic skill cutoff case wherein being worse than a certain threshold makes the experience exponentially longer & worse while being above it makes it relatively smooth and fun. I had a generally good experience, however I cannot give this a blanket recommendation due to the high risk of frustration.

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Rating: 8.2 82       Difficulty: N/A
Jan 28, 2024