I wanna spread my wings

Creator: Koslyn

Average Rating
7.7 / 10
Average Difficulty
32.2 / 100
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Adventure (20) Needle (8) Gimmick (10) Short (10) Shortventure_2017 (3)


  • by ElCochran90
  • by ElCochran90
  • by ElCochran90
  • by ElCochran90
  • by ElCochran90
  • by ElCochran90

55 Reviews:

I wanna spread my wings by Koslyn is such a charming fangame from start to finish. There's so many elements within the design that remind me of other platforming games I love to play such as Celeste and Super Mario World; I mostly got reminded of these two from Stage 1-B as well as Stage 2. Everything about this fangame is so interesting to me ranging from the various locations that our Kid explores through to all the little gimmicks that we're challenged to used in the different stages no matter how little they may be. The gameplay in this fangame is also fantastic due to how fair it is while still remaining somewhat challenging for beginner players. It's still challenging than most other beginner fangames below it, but it's not hard enough to where it's going to cause you to rage or give up playing. If you're a beginner such as myself and looking for a bit of challenge, I absolutely need to recommend that you play I wanna spread my wings; get out there and help Kid soar the skies above, I'm sure they would appreciate it.

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Rating: 8.2 82       Difficulty: 28 28
Jan 5, 2024
This was made for the first Shortventure contest back in 2017 and like a bunch of other games from that contest, this one is solid! I didn't particularly care for the right path and the hub needle, mainly because it doesn't really do a lot to separate itself from any needle of the time. The left path however is an enjoyable puzzle stage that's short but more than welcome as someone who loves puzzles.

After the beginning paths the game reveals that it has a deeper bag of tricks than it initially let on, and gets significantly more interesting.The final stage in particular stands out in my mind even 6 years after I first saw it, and I've yet to really see someone attempt the concept and succeed quite as well as this game. Would recommend for the last stage alone.

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 30 30
Nov 18, 2023
this felt like a fever dream, felt bad for the kid in the end. first few sections of the game were mediocre, while the cloud section was a bit upsetting. The last stage made up for it with cool little gimmicks. Overall I enjoyed it.

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Rating: 6.6 66       Difficulty: 33 33
Jan 1, 2023
Nicely made and pretty beginner needle fangame. Absolutely adore the mechanics in the final stage. Definitely recommend.

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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 32 32
Aug 4, 2022
Phenomenal needleventure game with superb gimmicks and well styled graphics. Consists of a hub with 2 areas, then 2 more areas in a linear order. The left area is a forest stage with a really unique gimmick in which you much step on every grass block, however this makes thorns grow on top of it. This area was really clever, but a couple spots felt inordinately precise. The right area is an underground factory. This is the simplest area, just using moving spikes, however it's made interesting by an escape sequence in which the factory fills with water. The third area is in the sky, and uses a bouncy cloud gimmick. This is used really well, and there's some fun platforming here. Finally, the last area is a psychedelic rainbow dreamscape where the walls grow and shrink on you. This area looks incredible, and uses a really fun and creative gimmick to create really cool screens. Ultimately, I consider this game a must play, and one of the best beginner fangames I've played.

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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 35 35
Jun 20, 2022