3 Reviews:
A pretty neat take on corridor needle, utilizing new and creative spike arrangements for the most part rather than the usual gate-diagonal-corner in a two-saves-per-screen format with efficient use of space inside slightly smaller than usual rooms. The quality varies a lot between rooms, and is very much affected by individual taste: I disliked screens that overused required 2f minispike gates and those that had relatively cramped corridors, while I found the 16 pixels to be fairly fun and well placed and the jumps that required stutters interesting and satisfying to execute. Final screen has two jumps - one close to the start of each save - that may not necessarily require cancels, but they at the very least strongly encourage it, and it's a noticeable difficulty spike in comparison to the rest of the game overall. The visuals also deserve mention, having a lot of production value and imo being pretty good. The game did sometimes freeze for 2 seconds straight randomly, although I've been told it might be an issue unique to me. Would recommend depending on taste in needle, although I'd also advise to be ready to drop the game on the final room.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 65 65
Oct 30, 2020
I like the needle, interesting design, but the sprite of the spike is awful... seriously xd
Tagged as: Needle
[0] Likes
Rating: 7.0 70
Difficulty: 68 68
Feb 27, 2018