2 Reviews:
It's hard to describe this game, as it's actually 2 pretty different games in one, although the story between both of them seems to be linked. You have to play the first game to access the second.
The first game is a very standard needle game, short and easy. You'll have to go through about 10 screens picked randomly from a selection of over 50, and most of them can either be done one way or the other, leading in a pretty big possible combination of screens for this. There's a few small gimmicks thrown in there but nothing huge, and with 2 bosses thrown in, it ends pretty quickly.
The main problem is while the first boss seems set, the 2nd boss is random from a selection of 3, and one of those 3 bosses is very poorly made. The bee might seem innocent on the first few shots, with few iframes and moving pretty slowly, but after the mid point it all goes downhill. The bee gains several seconds worth of iframes and starts moving much faster, and you can't know where it goes until it goes there, so you can pretty easily get walled. If you do get this boss, I would seriously recommend restarting the game and trying again to get a boss that isn't the bee. You can also optionally do a challenge run that includes all the screens with slight buffs, and all the bosses, but I wouldn't recommend it. The variety in the screens does run thin after a while, and with the bee in the way, it's not worth it.
The second game is wildly different from the first one: it's an open-ended trap adventure where you go around and collect items to reach the boss. Your playable character here can dash instead of shooting, which is actually incredibly fun and leads to some great platforming moments. The trap variety here is pretty good too and never felt annoying. To collect the items, you'll have to complete various tasks located throughout the world. One of these tasks is a timed quiz in japanese where you have to press the correct key on the keyboard, but with enough perseverance and Google Translate, you can push through. There is a special ending if you get all the items, and there is an item that will help you find secrets, so I would recommend going for it.
Overall, while the first game might not be great, I would still recommend this just for the second game alone, as I had a great time with it. Best of luck avoiding the bee.
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The first game is a very standard needle game, short and easy. You'll have to go through about 10 screens picked randomly from a selection of over 50, and most of them can either be done one way or the other, leading in a pretty big possible combination of screens for this. There's a few small gimmicks thrown in there but nothing huge, and with 2 bosses thrown in, it ends pretty quickly.
The main problem is while the first boss seems set, the 2nd boss is random from a selection of 3, and one of those 3 bosses is very poorly made. The bee might seem innocent on the first few shots, with few iframes and moving pretty slowly, but after the mid point it all goes downhill. The bee gains several seconds worth of iframes and starts moving much faster, and you can't know where it goes until it goes there, so you can pretty easily get walled. If you do get this boss, I would seriously recommend restarting the game and trying again to get a boss that isn't the bee. You can also optionally do a challenge run that includes all the screens with slight buffs, and all the bosses, but I wouldn't recommend it. The variety in the screens does run thin after a while, and with the bee in the way, it's not worth it.
The second game is wildly different from the first one: it's an open-ended trap adventure where you go around and collect items to reach the boss. Your playable character here can dash instead of shooting, which is actually incredibly fun and leads to some great platforming moments. The trap variety here is pretty good too and never felt annoying. To collect the items, you'll have to complete various tasks located throughout the world. One of these tasks is a timed quiz in japanese where you have to press the correct key on the keyboard, but with enough perseverance and Google Translate, you can push through. There is a special ending if you get all the items, and there is an item that will help you find secrets, so I would recommend going for it.
Overall, while the first game might not be great, I would still recommend this just for the second game alone, as I had a great time with it. Best of luck avoiding the bee.
Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: 35 35
Jun 28, 2020