Not Another Needle Contest

Creators: pieceofcheese87, patrickgh3, Naloa, Wolfiexe, Denferok, Aronax

Average Rating
8.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
63.7 / 100
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Needle (5) Avoidance (1) Gimmick (6) Boss (1) Collab (5) Contest (1)


  • by Anonymous

23 Reviews:

heres my serious feedback to everyones stage in this game:

doki: not good
darq: ok (but hard)
create: good
jonesy: nah
siglamii: nah
coldwarrior: ok
randomfangamer: nah
jks: ok
dubzz: ok
pati: good (but hard)
haegoe: good
cousinoer: nah
cosmoing & misterX: good
welowas: good
akutarex & problem: good
tehninza: good
gravitoon: ok (but hard)
arras: good
notevenamateur: ok
babouy: good
arthur: good
perkin: good (but hard)
joaotT: very good
breed: good
verve: good
werum: good (also SourPls)
smartkin: good
profcory: ok (has a crash, but should be fixed now in the new version)
arzztt: very good
asza: ok
trickofhat: ok
erik & archi: amazing stage, if i had done a stage, i would have done the same thing
wolfie: puzzle thing > good (but i hate pastel) | panda thing > ok
afreal: ok (but hard)
wetwookie: ok
pieceofcheese: very good
koslyn: good (tbh i didnt found this easy lol)
zebbe: very good

ok kbai

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Boss Collab
[11] Likes
Rating: 9.2 92       Difficulty: 65 65
Aug 25, 2018
All the judges are cunts, especially that Aronax dude. Don't bother smh

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Collab
[7] Likes
Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 60 60
Aug 26, 2018
you should check out the 23rd place stage i think that stage is really cool i think :)

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[2] Likes
Rating: 8.3 83       Difficulty: 70 70
Apr 15, 2021
NANC is a massive collab between 38 makers, where each one had around participant had around 1 month to make a stage. Since this is also a contest, stages are ranked by the average of notes that the judges gave them which is a neat idea (but also kinda mean for the lowest rated stages). Before talking about stages themselves, I'm just gonna say that the overall quality of the game is pretty high and that you can custom your experience by bying skins for the kid and the bullets with the secrets you can find in stages. My rating is based of clearing every stage but not gathering every secrets because I'm not interested in doing so. Also, my ratings for each stage is sometimes gonna be very different from the average in-game note but know that this note is based on what the makers gave to the judges, there were sometimes some massive tweaked and even godmode given. Here my thought on every stage (I played them from the lowest rated to the highest rated):

-Dokinabi : cool ideas and interesting execution, I don't get at all why it has an average of 1.4. What wasn't good however were the visuals, because the spikes totally blend with the bg near the middle of y axis.

-DarqSaintDiablo : The first save is extremely cool, the rest is decent without being anything special. The visual effects are nice but according to the judges, they were garbage in the og version and they had to change them so I can maybe understand the super low rating. Also I believe the secret is in the last room, which is just a room with a warp at first and if you take it, since it finishes the area it will autosave so you will have to redo everything if you want it.

-letcreate123 : alright-ish area, nothing wrong but nothing that good, not to mention that the stage is super short.

-Jonesy : Terrible and super unfun to play, the ennemies are annoying and the platforming part is only generic jumps. According to the judges, there were no hp in the og version which would have make it stupidely hard and even less fun. The boss is also insanely hard and would probably have been impossible without the godmode, and is totally out of place.

-Siglamii : Meh stage, nothing outrageous but nothing really enjoyable. The needle is pretty generic and the gimmicks aren't well used.

-ColdWarrior : decent stage, most of the gimmicks felt forced but I liked the use of the magnet fields and some mix between the gimmicks.

-RandomFangamer : the main gimmick was confusing and unpleasant to use, otherwise the stage is average with some cool ideas but very basic execution (but neat visuals). The avoidance however was terrible, it's super long, 90% of it is free and uninteresting and 10% is stupid.

-JKSciFi : fun area relying a lot of different types of vines. Not much to say except that it was fun.

-Dubzzz : a weird one, it looks like the creator tried to use the biggest number of gimmicks possible but it results into something quite good despite some messy visuals and layouts.

-Patitok : excellent stage based on spike that move when you jump, combined with thwomps it creates some neat puzzl-ish pathing.

-Haegoe : not bad but not super interesting, there are some cool ideas but most of the stage is straightforward needle with a few traps and buttons. The boss is alright too, not bad but not very intersting.

-cousinoer5 : Really good stage focused on spikes and blocks that move/disappear when you shoot/jump. The secret room was also very well designed. Visuals however were very messy and sometimes confusing, leading to some moment when I didn't saw what I had to do because I assumed some parts of the bg were solid. According to the judges the og version was way harder but I still don't really get that low rating.

-Cosmoing & MisterXimeno : good stage based on sideway gravity where you have to chase for cards to open doors. Level design is pretty good but it's only needle without any other gimmicks added, which is not really what the judges were waiting for. Still really liked it.

-Welowas : A stage that starts pretty good and becomes worse when you progress in. The first screen is a really good walk the ceiling puzzle, the second is also a puzzle screen but way less enjoyable with some very choky jumps. And after is becomes a k3 clownfiesta I didn't enjoyed.

-Akutarex & Problemstrol : Impressive area with a lot of gimmicks that naturally flow (some are a bit buggy tho like the dolphins). The last part, while being really intersting, is insanely hard and long and I totally understand the need of the godmode.

-Tehninza : Nothing wrong but nothing special, gimmicks have some very basic used.

-Gravitoon : very long and fun overall area but I was annoyed by one detail : the maker swapped the color of the high and low grivity fields, which is very disturbing. Also the area was very laggy for reasons I don't know.

-Arras : the platforming is pretty cool but I wish it was longer because it stopped when I started to really enjoy it. The boss however is pretty bad with only one not very interesting attack.

-NotEvenAmatueR : Neat stage focusing of screenwarping, NANG stars and gravity fields. I didn't did the secret room because it looked super hard and a bit tedious but otherwise it was solid.

-Babouy : if there are some areas I don't understand the low rating, this one is the first I don't understand the high rating. It's not bad but I found it very average with sometimes some akward precise jumps and ugly visuals.

-ArthurTheGuy : insane area, everything is well-crafted and very enjoyable. I honestly don't have any complaint so here my first 10.

-Perkin : Very good and original area, it has a quite good flow with some unique gimmicks.

-JoaoTForce : very average/borring area, gimmicks are used in very basic ways.

-BreedPineapple : good visuals but pretty annoying with some unpleasant cycles.

-Verve : relaxing stage, it was good overall with no real downside.

-Werum : decent puzzle stage, the secret room is quite clever.

-Smartkin : Excellent puzzle stage, I just wish there was a way to know what the buttons so before using them.

-profcory : good use of many gimmicks, kinda the best of that kind of stage

-arzztt : a sadly very short but nice short stage focused on vkid (what a surprise). I really wish it was longer because what it has to offer is pretty good.

-Asza : very well-made area with some beautiful visuals, it introduces some unique gimmicks and use them quite well without being too hard.

-TrickOfHat : another very solid adventur-ish stage with always the same concept for the rooms (which is activate buttons and find gems and put them in the rigt place) but it always works and manage to be always fun. The boss is great too with a nice concept.

-Erik & Archi : one of the best work from erik (and archi but I never heared about him before). As always, visuals are insane and the gameplay is pretty good especially the puzzles. The boss is good too even if a little too long and frustrating in the second part of phase 1.

-Wolfiexe : Great stage with 2 areas, the left one is pastel spikes oriented and is quite good and the right one is pure needle with pandas insead of spikes and with a boss. The platforming of the right one is average but the boss is good.

-aferalsheep : while I did loved the stage and respect the amount of work put it in, I felt that some rooms were fun to solve but tedious to execute because of some though jumps or just because the rooms were too long. Still an excellent stage.

-Wetwookie : perfect area that follow wookie storyline.

-pieceofcheese87 : great stage overall even if I think the boss is a bit too short because you can spam him if he stops himself near the bottom of the room. I don't think it should be before the other stages in tier 1 but it was still good.

-Koslyn : perfect puzzle stage with amazing visuals. The optional room was damn hard but so good.

-zebbe94 : Excellent puzzl-ish stage based on walk the ceiling gimmicks. While I don't think this is the best area in the game, I totally understand why it's the highest rated. Small minus for one specific room that were pretty tedious to execute, and the yoshi secret was super dumb.

I had no idea how to rate a game with so many stages that vary so much in quality so I just made an average of all my ratings.

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Rating: 7.3 73       Difficulty: 65 65
Oct 7, 2020
Note: The difficulty is rated off the 'hardest' stage and you're able to view in-game the relative difficulties. If you're concerned about this being too hard, don't worry too much as there's a ton of content more in the 40-50ish range.

This is, as you'd expect, a mixed bag. The premise is that it was a contest where all entries were accepted allowing anyone to submit a stage using the provided engine. That being said, there's two ways to assess this.

Firstly, the contest - this was well executed for sure. It was very inclusive and you could see that in the submissions and I think that's great. There's a lot of familiar names in the creator list as well as a ton of newcomers and this gave a lot of people the ability to have their work showcased (which helps the motivation and keeps people continuing making) without having them to necessarily create a major project of their own. It was great seeing relatively new makers come up with creative and interesting ideas and as the ratings from the contest showed, there was a ton of good stuff across the board. The difference you'd generally see from the top scorers and the majority of the pack was polish - something that improves greatly with experience.

Secondly is the game - the hub presentation is clean and well done and there are a number of surrounding features to add to the game, allowing you to customize your game by finding secrets and spending the rewards on skins for the kid and his bullets. There's a nice clear screen and a little bonus stuff laid around too. I won't go into the stages themselves, as they're well described in the attached text file, but expect to see a lot of the gimmicks included in the engine from other popular games - lasers with buttons, push blocks, custom vines, various water types and standard bouncing/spinning obstacles. There's definitely a preference towards particular ones as to be expected, but its great to see an engine with additions. Feature-wise, I'd have loved to have seen a random stage option as going in knowing the judges ratings, placing in the game and creators name colors your opinion slightly going in, but its hardly a dealbreaker.

Overall, I'd recommend looking into this game if you want a ton of short gimmick stages with a lot of variety. Many stages feel like they lack polish or are a bit disjointed, so don't be surprised to hit some weird rough spots along the way but there's always a way out and nothing requires you to be completionist about it (and I'd probably not recommend expecting to do 100%).

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Tagged as: Gimmick Collab Contest
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Rating: 8.3 83       Difficulty: 65 65
Sep 10, 2018