Summer Feast Needle Bliss

Creators: Ghost, infern0man1, Wolfiexe, sunlaoqq, Lucien, FailJguy

Average Rating
6.6 / 10
Average Difficulty
67.4 / 100
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Needle (9) Long (1) Collab (7) FASF2018 (1) RFR4 (2)


  • by NightShark115

33 Reviews:

Probably the most consistently high-quality needle collaboration game I've played. Every stage is fun and creative in its own way, and are significantly different enough that the game as a whole never feels repetitive or stale.

My favorite stage was probably Lucien's, but I quite liked the usage of moving objects in Wolfi's as well. The difficulty picks up quite a bit in the latter half, and the needle tower has some pretty jank saves, but there's nothing an experienced player should struggle too much with.

The readme claims that it will take 2 hours for an experienced player, but it took me over 5 hours... I'm not the best player by any means, but come on now.

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 66 66
Nov 8, 2018
Everything after Lucien's stage was miserable to play. The other stages ranged from good to great. Don't play the whole thing unless you're grinding needle FSR.

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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 66 66
Aug 25, 2022
had fun but the end was really hard for me to finish. Last stages are not really fun.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 65 65
Nov 15, 2018
inferno stage: 9/10
wolfi stage: 7/10
sunlaoqq: 2/10
lucien: 3/10
Failjguy: 2/10
Ghost: 4/10

Generally pretty unfun needle, wouldn't recommend playing anything after the first two stages.

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Tagged as: Needle Collab
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 69 69
Nov 5, 2018
This game has decently consistent quality, although I think as it goes on it loses some steam. The early stages are pretty enjoyable, but the stages by FailJGuy and Ghost kinda dragged on for me and sorta felt like waiting for them to end, which was unfortunate. I still think the game is mostly pretty good but I don't think it's as strong as the FASF needle collabs that came after.

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 60 60
Jul 19, 2024