4 Reviews:
A short sudoku game made by the grand master pumpkinhead1998. Tons of invisible block platforming, but mostly harmless and the good kind of bad, but the random block screen is pretty not fun. It's overall pretty easy though, and also fairly short, so you could be playing a lot worse than this. Give it a shot if you like the genre.
[2] Likes
Rating: 3.5 35
Difficulty: 20 20
May 14, 2019
Nice and cool a nd good
Tagged as: Sudoku
[1] Like
Rating: 2.9 29
Difficulty: 40 40
May 16, 2019
All of us behind Nader Makers prior to its release wanted to "tease" the game by instead making a sudoku game. Most of this game was done by me, including the window resizing sections, and though it's very obviously intentionally bad I did try to be more or less "legitimate" behind the sudoku-i-ness; of course once v got ahold of the gmk it all went downhill lmao.
The clear screen save has code that opens a website when the bullet hits it (and thus opens multiple tabs at once because the bullet doesn't get destroyed when it hits the save). This website used to be where Nader Makers was hosted (and hence the teasing of it before official release). Unfortunately this site no longer exists and, last I checked, gives a security risk warning when opened. Whoops!
[0] Likes
The clear screen save has code that opens a website when the bullet hits it (and thus opens multiple tabs at once because the bullet doesn't get destroyed when it hits the save). This website used to be where Nader Makers was hosted (and hence the teasing of it before official release). Unfortunately this site no longer exists and, last I checked, gives a security risk warning when opened. Whoops!
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Nov 16, 2021