I wanna Walk Out In The Morning Dew

Creator: GeoGeo222

Average Rating
8.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
84.3 / 100
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Adventure (2) Needle (17) Gimmick (16) Special (1) Long (7) Art (4) SourPls (2) Sideways_Gravity (2) Mine_Sweeper (3) Fangame (1) Ice (3) Bubble_2 (1) Nasrano-like (1)


  • by elraimon2000
  • by geogeo222
  • by geogeo222
  • by geogeo222
  • by cryflake

58 Reviews:

Loved the gimmicks and even the regular non-gimmick needle (which is still the majority of the game) is probably the best I have ever played. So even though I wish there were more gimmicks, I can't exactly complain about when they were missing since it was still a ton of fun.

It's a very fantastic fascinating game that sticks in your mind for the rest of your life with its very memorable journey. For me that journey has been exceptionally positive. I could really immerse myself into this game with the vibe it had going on.
There were like one or two saves that weren't super good like the rest but I didn't exactly dislike those either and with the extreme length this game has that is a pretty huge accomplishment.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Long SourPls Mine_Sweeper
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Rating: 9.9 99       Difficulty: 87 87
May 5, 2023
A game that appeared in my life when I needed it.

No other game has made me feel good inside at a genuine level thinking about playing it, playing it, and then thinking about the session I had. One time I had tears because I didn't know you could be so happy from design philosophy and gameplay alone. The other time I cried, was when it ended.

Nothing else I can say hasn't been said already. Certainly not for everyone, and that's OK.


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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Special Long
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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 85 85
Nov 22, 2021
Thanks to the update I do not have to retract my 10/10 rating.

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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 85 85
Aug 28, 2021
(spoilers below, this game should be experienced spoilerless)

morning dew is a hell of a ride that you will never be free from until you clear
there is nothing you can do, only realize that there is nothing else to do but the dew
having cleared this after all my other needle goals i have now realized that leaving this for last made me become one with the experience such that i realized that i had nothing else that i wanted to do
there was only bruh needle or dew
willingly, i chose dew

dew is a 34 stage game that gets progressively wackier as it continues with rarely any breaks, with some of the most wack gimmicks i have seen, starting with minesweeper, moving to CBT, rocket, mandatory align dependent cherries, hell itself, and the hardest ending save i have played in any fangame sans cn3
every single damn second i was coping with geo's antics
all of the jtool needle made me go in anticipation of what the next gimmick was and when it would be
dew was the game that led me to think that some ideas should stay as ideas, but yet as real things they work
dew was the game that made me complain about the maker as a person rather than the game itself
dew was the game that showed me that wacky gimmicks are insane
there is no feeling, only dew

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 88 88
Feb 21, 2021
My favorite fangame ever. (some spoilers ahead about gimmicks introduced in the game!)

I don't even know where to begin. It's so wacky but so cohesive in its wackiness. From air ice physics to rocketkid to linekid, this game is all over the place, and I love it so much for that. Each area has an extremely cohesive theme with a beautiful tileset and BANGER song to accompany it. Seriously, this game's atmosphere (and geogeo's taste in music) is unmatched. I find it hard to describe but somehow the needle/gimmicks fit very well into their respective stage's theme as well.

This game moves at a brisk, challenging pace; just before a gimmick wears off you move onto another stage that either shifts comfortably back to classic but very satisfying, unique needle before hitting you with another extremely fun, fresh gimmick area. There are a couple parts that are frustrating but in such a whimsical, intentional manner that it still feels so fun to work through and satisfying to complete. However, the difficulty curve of this game is fitted extremely well with relief saves after particularly tough sections and just a really nice flow from stage-to-stage so that you are never getting overly frustrated or bored from a gimmick/area/save. To accompany this, the music and tileset oscillate between chill and vibrant atmospheres so you always feel comfortable, engaged, and motivated.

There is just so much love poured into this game that it oozes creative energy out of every tile. It almost feels like geogeo was just creating whatever seemed fun without caring too much about what the player thinks, and this uninhibited passion shines through very clearly as you play through the game. However, this is not to say that the needle isn't polished; I can't particularly recall any overly precise or annoying jumps at all (some jumps with physics gimmicks were only hard because I wasn't as adept at controlling the kid), and pretty much every save was a blast to complete, whether it was classic or gimmick needle. Also, this game struck the balance between puzzle and instinct (?) perfectly; I never had to think about the jumps ahead so much that it distracted me (other than the minesweeper and memory sections lol, but the multitasking in those sections were what made them so awesome and engaging) but I almost never experienced a jump that wasn't original and interesting. This game doesn't introduce gimmicks just to screw around; it uses them in extremely innovative and smart ways that bring out the best in each gimmick. For example(s), this game constantly and consistently mingles the shoot button with the platforming in such a beautiful, innovative manner like no other needle game.

Needless to say, if you like gimmick needle, this game is a must-play that you will never forget even if you don't enjoy all the off-the-wall gimmicks that this game has to offer (I definitely enjoyed them all though!).

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Art Sideways_Gravity
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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 85 85
Aug 24, 2020