Creator's Comments:
cLOUDDEAD [Creator]
2023 edit: definitely not worth playing at all. generic hard 32px with an overuse of corners planes etc you've seen it all before. there's a handful of comically bad saves in here (right side of screen 2, the sunspike drop into djump half diamond, 2nd to last save) and the design doesnt really make any sense. I made this by just slapping together the hardest 32px needle jumps that I could figure out how to do myself (and mostly just from copying from other games lol) and then putting a save every 3 or 4 jumps with pretty much no regard to how hard the resulting save would actually be.
I'm going really hard on this game because I'm the one who made it, so I know what went into to making it, the design process, etc. This is a brainlessly made game, and it serves as a good reminder that we all had to start somewhere.
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I'm going really hard on this game because I'm the one who made it, so I know what went into to making it, the design process, etc. This is a brainlessly made game, and it serves as a good reminder that we all had to start somewhere.
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: 70 70
Jul 27, 2020
22 Reviews:
Fun 32px short save precision needle. Easily one of the best needle releases of 2020, very recommended.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 7.5 75
Difficulty: 74 74
Jul 27, 2020