8 Reviews:
Кривая физика как в метал ворлд, которая зачем-то используется как фича, в результате чего дизайн уровней донельзя всратый, босс просто говно. В общем, тупо кринж
Tagged as: Sudoku
[2] Likes
Rating: 2.0 20
Difficulty: 30 30
Sep 27, 2020
Probably one of the most questionable games I've ever played, with an absolutely janky gimmick that makes you get stuck in walls half of the time, and still makes no sense to me upon beating. For the boss I recommend autofire, otherwise, it's just really damn annoying too.
[0] Likes
Rating: 0.4 4
Difficulty: N/A
Feb 1, 2022
It's an odd game where the gimmick is that you get stuck on blocks (similar to facescraper) and use that to refresh your jumps and to get over different obstacles. The gimmick itself is pretty inconsistent as it sometimes gets you stuck because gamemaker solid shenanigans.
As for the game itself it has a couple rooms and then a boshy? boss. Boss is simple, slightly frustrating but it's mostly fine.
[0] Likes
As for the game itself it has a couple rooms and then a boshy? boss. Boss is simple, slightly frustrating but it's mostly fine.
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: 35 35
Sep 25, 2020