Not another avoidance game

Creators: rankiMao, 我不想告诉你我叫什么名字但是你多半猜得出因为我他妈之前就说过要做这个而且我真做了做到一半做不动了叫人帮我补完了哈哈其实我不想告诉你我的名字的原因是因为古明地恋真的非常可爱对我他妈也是个恋厨系统我来跟你抢头号恋厨名义了razzor一边待着去吧假恋厨恋恋我真的好喜欢你啊为了你我要玩arcaea(游玩sdvx)太好玩啦好像他妈的到现在都没怎么断句不过不管了因为我的目的是写一个尽量长的作者名让人看着感觉很傻巴他妈现在多少个字来着我的目的应该达到了作者名就叫这个吧不过感觉还是可以再多写一点让我想想还能写啥他妈第一次撞同曲耐久我很慌怕撞不过哈哈他妈不管了我还有四个坑要他吗填而且我现在正在一边喝雪碧一边想这个作者名为什么喝的是雪碧呢因为他妈可乐没有雪碧好喝哈哈我觉得可乐太他妈黑了还是雪碧好你们百事可乐的自己去争吧我喝雪碧了傻巴我操这瓶好像喝完了你等我再开一瓶回来了他妈刚刚讲到哪来着忘了要不作者名就叫这个算了不过还是有点短希望df和wiki什么的没有作者名长度限制他妈的还有你们做表的收录这个耐久时作者名记得把这一大段完整复制上去对这很重要

Average Rating
7.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
54.0 / 100
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Avoidance (2)


  • by NightShark115
  • by NightShark115

Creator's Comments:

Monikara [Creator]

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Sep 3, 2021

7 Reviews:

proud to be 1% of the author's name

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[20] Likes
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Sep 3, 2021
here before TheChiekurs

12/6/2021 edit: Ladies and gentlemen, it was only a matter of time, but look who finally decided to show up here today after 3 months...

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Tagged as: Avoidance
[6] Likes
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Sep 3, 2021
sprite and cola are really cool tho

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Sep 6, 2021
typical wymcat avoidance, but some RNG need more balance

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 50 50
May 23, 2023
12/9/2021 edit: The fact that this particular tag for this particular game was noticed before 3 days have passed is actually astonishing and surprising! Thank you, NightShark115!

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Dec 6, 2021